Comedy or Tragedy
The Theater
Things Ms. Thea always says.
Getting Going

This person lived from 525 BC-456 BC and was considered the "Father of Tragedy".

Who was Aeschylus?


A flaw or mistake that brings about the downfall of the hero of a tragedy.

What is a Tragic Flaw?


The original greek theater was built in this land form and this material was used in seating. 

What is a hill and wood or stone benches. 

Greek Theater Masks. (what they were made from and their purpose)

What masks were made from lightweight wood, cork, or linen and served the purpose of allowing people to play several roles including women roles. 


The definition of a Greek Tragedy?

What is "good guy never wins"?


This person lived from 497 BC - 406 BC and wrote between 90-110 plays, though only 7 survive today. He often compared humanity to the power of the gods and made his characters challenge the gods and choices. 

Who is Sophocles?


These were short plays performed between the acts of tragedies. They made fun of the plight of the tragedy's characters.

What are Satyr Plays?


Translated into "Dancing space" this circular, level, space was where the chorus would dance, sing, and interact with the actors.

What is the Orchestra?


The main purpose of the chorus in a Greek Play. 

What is keeping the audience informed about what is happening?  


The first actor, who broke from the chorus and spoke. 

Who is Thespis? 


This person lived form 484 BC and died in 406 BC. He explored the psychology of women and was the first to use the prologue.

Who is Euripides?


Greek comedy is broken into these section.

What is "Old Comedy" (Before 425 BC), "Middle Comedy"(400 BC- 320 BC), and "New Comedy"?


Translated into "viewing-place" this is were spectators sat.

What is the Theatron. 


This greek playwright was the cause of a greek philosophers death due to one of his plays.  

Who is Aristophanes?


A song sang in honor of a greek God during a goat sacrifice. 

What is "Tragos" or "Goat Song"?


Tragedies that Euripides wrote. 

What are "The Trojan Women", "Medea", and "Hippolytus"?


This person is known as the "Father of Comedy" and the "Prince of Ancient Comedy". He ridicules other playwrights and philosophers thought out his plays, but hid this fact by the naming of his plays. He wrote "The Birds", "The Clouds", "The Frogs", "Assemblywomen" and more. 

Who is Aristophanes?


Translating into "tent", this was at the back of the stage and was decorated as the set. It has at least 1 set of doors where actors could make entranced and exits. 

What is the Skene? 


These were characters that were found in every Greek New comedy play such as the cook, soldier, or slave.

What are stock characters?


The God that the plays paid tribute to.

Who is the God of wine, fertility, and revelry, Dionysus, or The Party God. 


Tragedies that Sophocles wrote.

What are "Oedipus Rex", "Antigone", and "Electra"?


This person wrote about the lives of common people. He lived from 342 BC0 292 BCE. He is best known for representing Athenian New Comedy. He wrote 108 comedies and took the prize at the Lenaia festival eight times. His work Dysklos (The Grouch) was discovered on an Egyptian papyrus found in 1959. 

Who is Menander?


Translated into "passageways" these were paths of either side of the state where the chorus, audience, and some actors could enter and exit from. 

What is the Parados?


Ms. Thea's Favorite Playwright. 

Who is Euripides?


The four qualities of a Greek Drama. 

What is performed for special occasions, competitive, choral, and stories based on myth or history?
