Greek Gods & Goddesses
Greek Plays
Greek Theatres
Greece Facts

Zeus was a sky god whose main weapon was connected with __________.

A. Thunder and Water

B. Thunder and Fire

C. Thunder and lightning

C. Thunder and lightning (雷和电)


The play Medea is a comedy. True or False?



Ancient Greek actors wore masks that had different _____________________ on them to help the audience understand the character. 

A. Facial expression

B. Colors

C. Patterns

D. Body expression



A. Facial expression


What were ancient Greek actors called?

A. Stage managers

B. Thespians

C. Actors

D. Performers

B. Thespians


The Greeks believed in a number of major gods who were thought to live on ___________.

A. Mount Cyprus

B. Mount Olympus

C. Mount Hellas

B. Mount Olympus (奥林匹斯山)


There were two main types of plays that the Greeks performed. They were ______ and ______.

Tragedies and comedies.


The ____________ in Classical Greek drama was a group of actors who described and commented upon the main action of a play with song, dance, and recitation.

A. musical

B. chorus

C. actors

D. tableau

B. chorus


Theatre buildings were called a _________.

A. theatron

B. pentagon

C. arrogon  

D. Deatron

A. theatron


For many ordinary Greeks, the minor gods were much more important because ___________.

A. They were more powerful

B. They were more relevant to the day-to-day life

C. They were more open minded

B. They were more relevant to the day-to-day life


Greek tragedies were very serious plays (严肃的剧作) with a moral lesson (道德教育). They usually told the story of _____________ who would eventually meet his/her doom (厄运).

A. a mythical hero 神话英雄

B. a celebrity 名人

C. a politician 政客

D. a soldier 士兵

A. a mythical hero 神话英雄


Which one is NOT the function of the chorus in Greek theatre?

A. To offer a sense of rich spectacle to the drama

B. To provide time for scene changes and give the principle actors a break

C. To offer important background and summary information that helps people to follow the live performance

D. To offer Greek citizens more opportunities to perform on the stage

D. To offer Greek citizens more opportunities to perform on the stage


The word 'Thespians' comes from Thespis, which means __________ in ancient Greece.

A. The most creative person

B. The best God

C. The most creative God

D. The best actor

D. The best actor


The Olympic Games were held in honour of the God __________.

A. Zeus

B. Aristotle

C. Athens 

A. Zues


Comedies told stories of everyday life and often ________________________________________

A. made fun of Greek celebrities and politicians

B. made fun of Greek citizens

C. praised good deeds

D. praised heroes

A. made fun of Greek celebrities and politicians


Which statement is NOT true?

A. The theatre of ancient Greece was at its best from 550 BC to 220 BC.

B. Theatre was part of a festival called the Dionysia 酒神节 which honoured the god Dionysus 酒神.

C. Only men were allowed as actors. They don't have to be citizens of Athens.

D. Masks were made for the actors and for the chorus. These help the audience know what a character is thinking. The chorus all wear the same mask, because they represent the same character.    

C. Only men were allowed as actors. They don't have to be citizens of Athens.


Worn by the chorus, the masks created a sense of _______________________.

A. unity 整体性

B. beauty 美观性

C. creativity 创造性

D. variety 多样性



A. unity 整体性


Which statement is NOT true?

A. At the Olympic Games, sacrifices (祭祀)and gifts were offered.

B. At the Olympic Games, athletes took oaths (誓言) to obey the rules before a statue of Athens.

C. When a group of people believe in many gods, this is known as polytheistic (多神论者)

B. At the Olympic Games, athletes took oaths to obey the rules before a statue of Athens.


Which one is NOT the characteristics of Greek tragedy?

A. Tragic hero 

B. Tragic flaw - an error in judgement or a
weakness in character such as pride or

C. Catastrophe 

D. Tragic politicians



D. Tragic politicians


The masks were made of organic materials. They were not considered permanent objects. What did people usually do with their masks after they performed in the theatre?

A. They were dedicated to 献给 the altar 祭台 of Dionysus after performances. 

B. They were dedicated to 献给 the King 国王 after performances

C. They were thrown to the ocean 大海 after performances

D. They were taken back home by the performers

A. They were dedicated to 献给 the altar 祭台 of Dionysus after performances.


In Poetics《诗学》, Aristotle 亚里士多德 wrote that drama (specifically tragedy) has to include 6 elements 六大元素. They are: 

A. plot, character, thought, diction, music, and spectacle.

B. setting, character, title, narrator, music, and costume.

C. plot, character, comment, diction, dance, and spectacle.

D. setting, character, playwright, narrator, music, and costume.

A. plot, character, thought, diction, music, and spectacle.
