The name of Alexander the Great's Father.
King Philip II?
The city in Egypt, built by Alexander, that was one of the most important cities in the Ancient world because it was a center of business and trade
This philosopher believed that his students should find answers for themselves and form their own opinions
This man came up with the idea for solving sides of a triangle and helped study geometry
the art of public speaking
King Phillip II and Alexander were the rulers of this nation
This battle in 331 B.C. in Persia was the last one where Alexander had to fight against a strong Persian army
Battle at Gaugamela
Socrates great contribution to history is the _______ _______. This style of teaching is still utilized today
Socratic Method
Because of this historians careful research he is considered by many as "the father of history"
soldiers on horseback
How old was Alexander the Great when he became king?
20 years old
The age of Alexander when he died.
What is 31
This philosopher was a student of Socrates. He created The Republic, which was his plan for an ideal society and government.
This historian was also a general in the Peloponnesian War. After the was was over he wrote The History of the Peloponnesian War
a group of philosophers who would travel from polis to polis spreading their teachings
The Macedonians started out as a simple _______ nation
After pushing into this country, Alexander's army was tired from battling and asked if they could finally return home.
This philosopher taught of the "golden mean". He taught that all people should live moderately and try to stay in the middle position between two extremes
This Greek thinker studied mathematics and is known for famous mathematical formula.
a set of promises about patient care that new doctors make when they start practicing medicine
Hippocratic Oath
Alexander had plans to defeat this nation, considered one of the largest in the ancient world
Alexander's realm ended up being divided into _____ _______?
4 Kingdoms
Aristotle wrote the book Politics where he wrote about how government can be divided into 3 types. What are these three types? How did his book influence our government today?
Monarchy, Oligarchy, Democracy.
He created the idea that we should have a head of the state and a council or legislature that would assist him who was elected by the people.
This man was a Greek physician who is regarded as "the father of medicine". He created a list of rules that doctors and nurses still recite to this day
the period of time where Greek culture spread to non-Greek peoples
Hellenistic Era