What is the definition of "bio?"
Give an example of a word with the root "photo."
Photograph, photography, photocopy, photon
What is the definition of "aqu?"
Give an example of a word with the root "dict."
Dictator, dictionary, predict, verdict
What roots are in "telephone" and what do they mean?
Tele: Far off
Phon: Sound
What is the definition of "auto?"
Give an example of a word with the root "geo."
Geography, geometric, geology, geometry
What is the definition of "dict"?
Give an example of a word with the root "port."
Transport, import, export, teleport
What roots are in "autograph" and what do they mean?
Auto: Self
Graph: Write
What is the definition of "graph?"
Give an example of a word with the root "aster."
Astronomy, astronaut, asteroid
What is the definition of "port?"
Give an example of a word with the root "aqu."
Aqua, aquarium, aquatic
What roots are in "teleport" and what do they mean?
Tele: Far off
Port: Carry
What is the definition of "phon?"
Give an example of a word with the root "graph."
What is the definition of "aud?"
Give an example of a word with the root "circ."
Circle, circulate, circus
What roots are in "photograph" and what do they mean?
Photo: Light
Graph: Write
What is the definition of "tele?"
Far off
Give an example of a word with the root "tele."
Telephone, television, telemarketer
What is the definition of "scrib?"
Give an example of a word with the root "doc."
Doctor, document, docile
What are the roots in "autobiography" and what do they mean?
Auto: Self
Bio: Life
Graph: Write