Culture & Language

This hero is known for his strength and for completing the twelve labours

Who is Hercules?


This is the highest mountain in Greece, which was believed to be the home of the Greek gods.

What is Olympus?


This Greek word means city.

What is 'polis'?


This ancient Greek poet wrote the epic poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey"

Who is Homer?


Greece has over 1,400 varieties of this fruit, which is a staple of Greek cuisine and is often used in salads, dips, and desserts.

What is an olive


The former temple of Athena.

What is the Parthenon?


What is Greece's second-largest city

What is Thessaloniki


This is the unique political contribution of the Greeks, similar to our representative government system today.

What is "democracy"?


This date is when greeks celebrate their independence 

What is the 25th March


This traditional Greek dish consists of layers of eggplant, minced meat, and béchamel sauce, often enjoyed by locals and tourists alike.

What is Moussaka


In the Trojan Horse Allusion, who was the Greek general?

Who is Odysseus?


This Greek island is home to the mythological labyrinth and the Minotaur

What is Crete


This popular Greek beverage is made from distilled grapes and has a strong alcoholic content, often enjoyed as an aperitif.

What is ouzo


This year was the first modern Olympic Games

What is 1896?


This year, Greece won the Euro

What is 2004


He was the god of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges and the art of sculpture. Created weapons for the gods and married to Aphrodite.

Who is Hephaestus?


This collection of islands is in a circular formation, has some of the most stunning beaches and picturesque Greek white and blue houses? 

What is the Cyclades 


Achilles Heel is often a phrase used in books or literature. What is the meaning of someone's Achilles Heel?

What is their weakness?


These two playwrights wrote famous Greek tragedies and comedies in Ancient Greece.

Who are Aristophanes and Sophocles?


Greece is known for having one of the highest percentages of this renewable energy source, primarily harnessed from its abundant sunshine and wind.

What is solar energy


What is the creature that is half bull and half man? (half point)

What do you call the creature that is half horse and half man? (half point)

What is the Minotaur

What is the Centaur


This region features stunning rock formations and is famous for its monasteries perched on top, offering breathtaking views and a unique landscape.

What is "Meteora"?


This colorful traditional attire worn by men in Greece features a distinctive pleated skirt and is often seen during national celebrations.

What is the foustanella?


This is the battle where Greeks took a final stand at the mountain pass against Xerxes and the Persians.

What is the Battle of Thermopylae?


How many of the 24 Greek letters are used in Mathematics today

23! Rip omicron. And for anyone curious what they're used for:

  1. Alpha (α, Α) - Often represents angles or coefficients.
  2. Beta (β, Β) - Used for coefficients, angles, or distributions.
  3. Gamma (γ, Γ) - Represents the gamma function or angles.
  4. Delta (δ, Δ) - Represents change (in calculus) or a discriminant.
  5. Epsilon (ε, Ε) - Often used for small quantities in calculus.
  6. Zeta (ζ, Ζ) - Used in functions like the Riemann zeta function.
  7. Eta (η, Η) - Sometimes used for efficiency in physics.
  8. Theta (θ, Θ) - Commonly used for angles.
  9. Iota (ι, Ι) - Rarely used but can represent small quantities.
  10. Kappa (κ, Κ) - Often used for constants or coefficients.
  11. Lambda (λ, Λ) - Represents eigenvalues or wavelengths.
  12. Mu (μ, Μ) - Used for means in statistics or coefficients of friction.
  13. Nu (ν, Ν) - Often represents frequency.
  14. Xi (ξ, Ξ) - Used in various advanced mathematical contexts.
  15. Pi (π, Π) - Represents the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle.
  16. Rho (ρ, Ρ) - Often represents density or correlation coefficients.
  17. Sigma (σ, Σ) - Used for standard deviation or summation.
  18. Tau (τ, Τ) - Used for time constants or angles.
  19. Upsilon (υ, Υ) - Rarely used in basic math.
  20. Phi (φ, Φ) - Represents the golden ratio or angles.
  21. Chi (χ, Χ) - Used in statistics (chi-squared).
  22. Psi (ψ, Ψ) - Used in quantum mechanics and wave functions.
  23. Omega (ω, Ω) - Represents angular frequency or the set of all limit points.