Modals of Obligation
Softening Language
Modals of Advice

What are the grammar rules for Passive Voice?

A) subject (object of active sentence) + verb 'to be' + ing

B) subject (object of active sentence) + verb 'to be' + past participle

C) subject (object of passive sentence) + verb 'to be' + past participle

B) subject (object of active sentence) + verb 'to be' + past participle


When do we use Modals of Obligation?

rules/laws/serious or strong advice


What is a complaint?

a negative review, and opinion of an experience/place (that you tell to a company/manager)


True or False

Softening Language makes you sound more threatening and aggressive. 



What is the difference between 'can' and 'should'?

can = ability - you are able to do

should = the best thing to do


Why do we use Passive Voice?

To change the focus of a sentence, or to emphasise something in a sentence, or when we prefer not to mention who or what does the action. 


True or False

Have to = important to do

Don't have to = important NOT to do


Have to = important to do

Don't have to = not necessary, ok if you don't


What does 'being clear' mean (in the context of a complaint?)

You explain well, easy to understand/ good simple description of your problem


What modals verbs are best to use in soft language when giving complaints?

can, could, would


Write some advice for this problem - USE A MODAL FOR ADVICE

'I have failed my driving test 3 times now, and I want to give up.'

you can use:

could, can, should, ought to


True or False

Passive Voice is often used for the News and Reports.



Which modal verbs are the same?

A) don't have to + don't need to

B) shouldn't + oughtn't 

C) must + need to

A, B, C


What is Pester Power?

it is the power children have to make their parents believe that they must buy something for their child.

saying the same thing again and again and again *very annoying


Which phrases have the same meaning?

A) seems like + looks like

B) looks like + appears to

C) seems to + looks to



Can we use 'must' to give advice?

yes, BUT ONLY when the situation is very serious..

for example: I have been bitten by a lion and my leg has been eaten.



Fill in the gaps:

Many young people had fewer financial problems in the past. For example, in the past, young people ____ ____ (encourage) to get credit cards. 

Living at home with parents ____ now _____ (see) as OK.

Young people _____ not  _____ (inform) about their options. 

were encouraged

is now seen

are/were not informed


Write down all the Modals of Obligation that we have looked at this week.  (Positives and Negatives)

Must, Mustn't, Need to, don't need to (needn't), have to, don't have to, ought to, ought not to (oughtn't), should, shouldn't


Match the Brand with the Slogan and the Product

Brand: KFC, McDonalds, Apple, Loreal, KitKat

Slogans: 'Think different'   'I'm Lovin It'   'have a break'     'you're worth it'      'finger lickin' good'

Product: shampoo, fast food, technology, fast food, chocolate

KFC - Fast Food -   'finger lickin' good'

McDonalds - Fast Food - 'I'm Lovin It' 

Apple - technology - 'Think different'

Loreal - shampoo -  'you're worth it' 

KitKat - chocolate - 'have a break' 


If we use 'seems to' or 'appears to' the next word is
usually _________?

If we use 'looks like' or 'seems like' the next word is usually _________?

be and the

seems to be..... appears to be.....

looks like the....seems like the.....


Which grammar is correct?

A) modal + past participle 

B) modal + ing

C) modal + infinitive 



Change the paragraph to Passive Voice

The USA says the President is ill, so, they sent his private Doctor. The Doctor said that the President has to stay in bed all week. The Doctor also ordered him to stay in the country. Due to this, the President cancelled all his appointments, and will start work again next week. 

The President is said to be ill, by the USA, so his private Doctor was sent. The President was told to stay in bed all week, by the Doctor. He was also ordered to stay in the country by the Doctor. Due to this, all the appointments were cancelled by the President, and work will be started again next week. (by him)


Finish the sentences with must/ought to/need to/ don't have to, and mustn't 

If you want to survive in Antarctica you ____ wear shorts and a t-shirt. You _____ take medicine if you are sick. If you are in a desert you ______ find water to live. You _____ bring a pen and pencil to your maths exam. Because it is Friday you ______ to do your homework.

If you want to survive in Antarctica you mustn't wear shorts and a t-shirt. You ought to take medicine if you are sick. If you are in a desert you must find water to live. You need to bring a pen and pencil to your maths exam. Because it is Friday you don't have to do your homework.


Write the definitions of these words:

second-hand =

deposit =

condition = 

postage =

realistic =

loan =

fine =

thrifting = 

second-hand = pre-owned/ not new/ used before

deposit = small payment for something big, eg car

condition = state of item (good/bad)

postage = money you pay to send an item 

realistic = based in real life/ understand problem and good/bad solution

loan = borrow money

fine = pay money when you break a rule/law

thrifting = buying second hand items

Kelsey's list of tips to complain amazingly :) <3







Kelsey's list of tips to complain amazingly :) <3

> apologise a lot

> use modals (can, could, would)

> use 'maybe' or 'perhaps'

> say please a lot

> use soft language (looks like, seems like)

> I'm afraid 


Correct the mistakes: 5

My friend Bruno had been sick since two weeks. He generally eats healthy food and does a lot of exercise. 

I told him that if he wants to get better, he must not drink water, and can't take medicine. I also say to him that he should go to work, and get lots of sleep. 

My friend Bruno had been sick FOR two weeks. He generally eats healthy food and does a lot of exercise. 

I told him that if he wants to get better, he MUST (or change to other modal) drink water, and SHOULD take medicine. I also SAID to him that he SHOULDN'T go to work, and get lots of sleep. 
