Foster Home Rules
True or False
Placement 101
Should I Call My Licensing Worker?

Water temperature cannot exceed ___ degrees Fahrenheit.

What is 120 degrees?


You must contact your licensing worker and have your licensing terms changed PRIOR to accepting a child outside of your current licensing terms. TRUE or FALSE?

What is TRUE?


What step should I take if I need a child to be moved from my home?

What is provide a written notification to the child's foster care worker noting the reasons for the request? Please note the agency requests 14 days to locate another placement for the child unless there is an emergency or safety reason.


Can you use physical discipline with a foster child?

What is NO? Physical discipline is prohibited.


I started a new job. Should I call my licensing worker?

What is YES? You must report any household changes to your licensing worker by the next business day. 


How many carbon monoxide detectors are required in your home?

What is at least one?


An individual may not smoke any substance may not smoke inside the foster home while children are placed or inside a vehicle while transporting foster children. TRUE or FALSE?

What is TRUE?


How many days do you have to enroll a foster child in school once they are placed with you?

What is 5 school days?


Can you use any type of physical restraint with a foster child?

What is NO? Physical restraint or any kind of punishment inflicted on the body is prohibited.


We are putting a pool in our backyard. Should I call my licensing worker?

What is YES? You must report any household changes to your licensing worker by the next business day. 


Video cameras, including baby monitors, are prohibited in bedrooms of children over the age of ___ and over.

What is 2 years old?


You do not need to display your emergency procedures and phone numbers in a prominent place in the home. TRUE or FALSE?

What is FALSE? Your home's emergency procedures for in case of a fire, tornado, or general emergency and emergency phone numbers must be displayed in a prominent place of the home (usually in the kitchen).


Are you required to transport foster children to parenting time visits, medical appointments, and school?

What is YES? Unless there is an agreement made at the time of placement or other special circumstances, foster parents are required to transport foster children to parenting time visits, medical appointments, and school. You can ask foster care workers and your substitute caregivers to assist as needed.


Can discipline include threats of missing visits or communication with the foster child's family?

What is NO? You cannot threaten to limit the child's contact with their family as a punishment.


We got a new puppy. Should I call my licensing worker?

What is YES? You must report any household changes to your licensing worker by the next business day.


How many training hours are required annually for each foster parent?

What is 6 hours per foster parent? *We recommend you start your training hours as soon as possible*


Ammunition may be stored with a firearm as long as the firearm is unloaded and stored in a locked container. TRUE or FALSE?

What is TRUE? As long as the firearm is stored in compliance with 1 of the following: by a cable lock, by a trigger lock, in a gun safe, in a solid metal gun case, in a solid wood gun case, unloaded, it may be stored with ammunition in the same locked safe or case. 

My foster child is leaving my home to go to another placement. What do I need to send with them?

What is all of the child's personal belongings and any gifts or clothing purchased for the child during the time of placement must remain the property of the child?


If you are frustrated, is it okay to use derogatory or discriminatory language (yell at youth, use threats, ridicule, or use humiliation)?

What is NO? Derogatory or discriminatory language towards a child, including references to a child's SOGIE is prohibited.


I'm having issues with my foster care worker not returning my calls. What should I do?

What is Call your licensing worker? We are here to support you and will step in to assist with communication if needed.

A foster child's tasks must be:

A) Within the child's ability

B) Be reasonable

C) Be similar to routine tasks expected of other members of the household of similar age and ability

D) All of the above

What is D, All of the above?

In a two-caregiver home, both caregivers need to maintain certification in CPR and First AID. TRUE or FALSE?

What is FALSE? One caregiver must maintain certification in CPR and First Aid at all times.


What is a child's GAL?

What is a Guardian Ad Litem, or the child's attorney? You should be provided with this information by the foster care worker at placement. Contact your worker if you need this information for your foster child.


If you have a child with a history of self-harm behaviors, what is an appropriate safety plan? Check all that apply

A) Ask for replacement

B) Requesting a lockbox from your licensing worker and locking up all sharp objects

C) Search the child's room for sharp objects

D) Discipline them and/or take away privileges

What is B and C? 

B) Requesting a lockbox from your licensing worker and locking up all sharp objects

C) Search the child's room for sharp objects


I had a family member move in to my home. Should I call my licensing worker?

What is YES? You must report any household changes to your licensing worker by the next business day.
