Your teacher asks you to sit next to Dylan, the new kid in school. When you sit down you noticed he smells really bad. You raise your hand and ask your teacher if you could "sit somewhere else because he smells bad." What could you do instead?
1. Express to the teacher sitting somewhere else in class would make you more comfortable
2. Wait till class finished
3. Mouth breath
Everyone laughed at Dylan after you said he smelled bad. How is Dylan feeling? Do you think the other students want to be his friend? Why or why not?
1. sad, embarrassed, self conscious
2. Probably not, they may think he smells bad and will always smell bad
Your parents just went to Yankee candle and bought some lovely candles in a glass jar. They ask you to put it away but you accidentally dropped one and the glass shattered. What is the size of this problem? What are two solutions?
1. Ask your parents for help cleaning the glass
2. Apologize for the accident
3. After cleaning the glass, save the candle
4. Let your family know that the glass broke and wear shoes and cleaning the glass
The possibilities are endless!
Instead of saying "I don't know" What is something you can say instead?
1. Can I have a hint please
2. Could you rephrase the question
How many pets does Connor/Crystal/Shelby have? Choose two people who are not yourself!
Connor: 3 dogs
Your parents want you to be nice to Tommy because he is the son of your parents' close friends. You think Tommy is obnoxious and really do not want to go to his house. What can you do?
1. Tell you parents that you are not excited to hang out with Tommy but will do so anyway
2. Ask if you can all leave early
3. Try to get to know Tommy to see if you have anything in common
You gave everyone in the class except Carol a Valentine's day card because you know she's not into holiday stuff. Carol's face looks down. When you say hi to her after class, she packs up her books and quickly walks away. How is Carol feeling? Why?
1. Sad, embarrassed, left out, alone
2. She thinks you really don't like her because everyone in class got a card except for her
Your game control stops working in the middle of a race in Super Mario Kart and causes you to loose against your brothers even though you were winning! You throw the remote on the floor and storm out of the room. What is the size of this problem? What are two solutions?
1. ask your brothers to pause the game so you can plug in the control
2. ask your brothers for a rematch and nicely explain that you do not think it is fair since your controller died
How do you keep a conversation going?
1. Make questions or comments
2. ask someone about their perspective or thoughts
What did Connor/Crystal/Shelby bring for show and tell last week? Choose someone who is not you!
Connor: Luigi
Crystal: Chip mug
Shelby: Doughnut
Your classmate gives you Valentine's candy that you really don't like. You throw it away after class and your classmate saw this. Seeing this hurt his feelings. What could you say to avoid this?
1. Express that you appreciate the candy but it isn't your favorite
2. Tell him you don't want to be wasteful and think he should keep it
3. wait till you get home to throw it away or offer it to your family
Michael looked in the mirror and saw his nose. He pushed everything off of his desk. His eyebrows are furrowed and his arms are crossed. How do you think he feels about his nose? What clues indicated this?
He doesn't like it
Feels self conscious
You lit the Yankee candle and took a nap without putting it out. When you wake up from your snap and you stretch you accidentally knock the candle onto your curtains and they catch fire. What is the size of this problem? What are two solutions?
1. Tell your parents
2. Throw water on it
3. Call 911
Instead of saying "wait what?" what can you ask? When you say wait what, how do you come across? How is the boy in this picture feeling?
1. I got distracted, could you please repeat that
What is Connor/Crystal/Shelby favorite hobby?
Not sure? You can ask for a hint!
You were home sick and your brothers went out and bought you soup from the grocery store. It is split pea soup, and you really hate that soup. You say "I don't like this soup, you guys aren't even trying!" What could you say instead?
1. Thank you guys for trying
2. Since I'm not feeling well I do not want to risk eating a soup I do not like
3. Did you guys get others kind of soups?
Adam was trying to read a book to Angela. The book had a few words in it that Adam had a hard time pronouncing. Angela would giggle every time he mispronounced a word. Adam's brow furrowed and he stopped reading. How do you think Adam is feeling? Why?
1. Adam is upset
2. Angela laughs at him when he makes a mistake
You are assigned to do an art project with a partner. You are very excited to tell your partner about your ideas that you feel is a creative design; however, your partner keeps cutting you off and suggesting her own ideas. You feel angry because she won't let you talk and shout "I don't want to work with you anymore!" and leave the art room. What was the size of the problem? What are two alternative solutions?
1. little/ small
2. Excuse me, you have been cutting me off
3. Those are cool ideas but would you like to hear my ideas?
Instead of saying "can we just move on already?" what can you say? Why is it inappropriate to ask someone to "just move on?"
1. I'm ready to move to the next speech task
2. Excuse me can we shorten how much time we spend on this activity.
What favorite color do all three of us, Connor, Crystal, and Shelby, have in common?
Your mom asks you to grab a specific spaghetti sauce from the aisle. There is a woman in front of that specific brand and has been staring at the sauces for a long time trying to determine what she wants. What could you say or do in this situation?
1. Say excuse me, can I please grab something
2. continue to wait
Andrea's family was super busy this week! She was fearful that someone would forget about her birthday on Saturday. On Friday she asked her parents if they had any plans for tomorrow? Her parents replied "Nothing really, why?" She said never mind and ran to her room and cried. She did not come out for dinner time, and went to sleep for the night. The next morning, her brother, sister, and parents yelled "SURPRISE!" and brought a cake to her room! How do you think Andrea felt Saturday morning?
1. Relieved, happy, surprised
A snow storm has happened and it has knocked all the power out in the house. There is no heat or ways to charge your devices. The house becomes cold and your phone and computer die. What is the size of this problem? What are two solutions.
Medium to big
1. Grab extra blankets
2. Read books lying around the house
3. Play a board game with your family
5. Cuddle with your dogs
Instead of saying "I don't wanna do this anymore?"
What are two things you could say or do instead?
1. Ask how long there is left in the session and wait it out
2. Ask if you can end early for today
What month does Connor/Crystal/Shelby birthday fall in?