Before the Test
During the Test
After the Test
Test Prep

What are the testing dates?

Reading and Writing




What type of questions will I have on the test?

Multiple choice, constructed response, and a writing component


What happens if I'm absent for one of the testing days?

You will make up the section of the test you missed when you return to school.


What can I do to prepare myself for testing?

Read every night, complete my class and homework, do my best every day


What happens if I arrive to school late or after the test has already begun?

If you arrive after the test has begun, you will be sent to another 5th grade class until after that testing session has ended. You will then be tested during our makeup sessions


When will students have restroom breaks?

Before the test begins. Only extreme emergencies will go during the test. Besides, you will lose time if you interrupt your session.


When will my test results come back and I find out how I did?

5th grade students will come back to the school in around September.


What happens if I get nervous right before the test begins?

Close your eyes and take some big deep breaths. 


What time should you go to bed the night before each section of a test?

Between 8:30 and 9:00 pm. 


Will I be allowed to use a calculator or cell phone during testing?

No use of electronic devices or calculators are allowed during testing.


What sections of the test must I pass to go on to the next grade?

None. However, we are encouraging all students to make growth for each assessment


What is the most important thing I need to do on test day?

Listen and follow directions carefully. Take your time and read the questions and answers carefully.


What should healthy breakfast should I eat before the test?

Something nutritious, not too sweet or too heavy.


How much time will I have for each section of the test?

The time is different for each test. You may have an hour and a half to three hours depending on the test.


What are the test results used for?

To see if your child has made growth from the previous year until now. 


Will I still be able to use my test taking strategies on the computer?

Yes, the online test is set up with all of the tools such as underlining, highlighting and more. You will also be able to go back and review the passage as often as needed.
