The Smith-Hughes act was passed in this year.
This was the first state to be chartered into the FFA in 1928
The 2024-2025 National FFA President
Thaddeus Bergschneider (Illinois)
E.M. Tiffany (adopted in 1930 at the 3rd Convention)
This document lists 11 ideals that an FFA Member should follow in their lives.
The FFA Code of Ethics
The first National FFA Convention was held in this year.
A State Officer jacket will say this across the bottom on the back
The 2024-2025 National FFA Secretary
Luke Jennings (Ohio)
The current Ohio FFA State President
Anna Moeller (Talawanda-Butler Tech)
"Learning to do, doing to learn, earning to live, living to serve" is the _________.
FFA Motto
The FFA Creed was adopted in this year.
The National FFA Convention is currently held in this city
Indianapolis, IN
The 2024-2025 Eastern Region Vice President
Caroline Groth (Kentucky)
This man is considered the "Father of the FFA"
Henry Groseclose
The Future Farmers of America received one of these in 1970.
A Federal Charter
The New Farmers of America merged with the Future Farmers of America in this year
This is the rulebook for how meetings should be ran
Robert's Rules of Order
The current National FFA Advisor
Dr. Travis Park
This man designed the first FFA Jackets
L.H. "Gus" Lintner
This 5 paragraph document outlines things that all FFA members should believe in.
The FFA Creed (By E.M. Tiffany. Adopted 1930, revised in 1965 and 1990 at the 38th and 63rd national conventions)
The name of the FFA Magazine changed to New Horizons in this year
Dwight D. Eisenhower
The 2024-2025 Central Region Vice President
Mary Schrieber
The First American Star Farmer
Carlton Patton
"FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education" is the:
FFA Mission Statement