Red and Black
What is the color of the book jacket?
The setting of the book
Hideki's age
What is 14 years old?
Nickname for "E" Squad
What is Easy Company?
Kamikaze meaning
What is 'Divine Wind'?
Book design
Who is Nina Goffi?
Annexed Okinawa and made it a province
Ray's age
What is 18 years old?
Graduating early
What is becoming a soldier to fight the Americans?
Oto's dying wish
What is find Kimoko?
Published by
Who Scholastic Inc.?
What are small wood sprites from Okinawan mythology?
Ray's fox hole buddy
Who is Big John?
American dropped thousands of pieces of paper
What is to tell the Okinawan people how they can surrender?
How Ray and Hideki met
What is ran into one another?
Not a real story
What is fiction?
A person believed to have the ability to talk to the dead.
What is a Yuta?
Ray's nickname
What is barbeque
Hideki finds his father
What is inside the family tomb?
Graduation gifts
What are two grenades?
Dedication to
Who is Nikki Winters?
What is the soul, or sense of self?
Hideki's ancestor marks him as...
What is a coward?
Ray collects other people's memories
What is pictures?
One for 10 American soldiers
What is one grenade?