Human Suffering

The Gods have order her to marry a royal in Italy and that it is important Aeneas gives Ascanius his promised future.

What does Ghost of Cruesa says to Aeneas in Book 2 ?


His mother had made a robe for his son, but not mourns and griefs the fact that this robe will now act as his shroud.

What is Euralysus' mothers reaction to the news of her son's death ?


Aeneas says that he has lost an ally and a brother-like figure for Ascanius in his new kingdom in Book 11

What does Aeneas say about Pallas when he returns the Pallas' body to Evander ? 


She prays for her own death and the water at the shrine turns black.

What does Dido do when Aeneas leaves Carthage in Book 4 ?


Turnus tells the Trojan men to send a message back to his father that the cause of his son's death was the result of his welcome of Aeneas.

What is Turnus' message to the Trojan men that they should send back to Evander in Book 10 ?


'like a bright flower scythed by the plough'

What is the death of Eurylaus compared to in Book 9 ?


likened to a flower being picked up by a young girl and Mother Earth can no longer provide strength to this fragile flower.

How is the death of Pallas described as in Book 11 ?


Turnus says he will jump off the boat and swim back to the battlefield as he realise the Gods have tricked him to get off the battlefield.

What does Turnus say when he realises the Gods have diverted him away from the battlefield in Book 10, in order to avoid the furor of Aeneas ?


Aeneas stains his tunic with the blood that his mother made for him in Book 10.

How does Virgil describe the death of Lausus in Book 10 as he jumps infront of his injured father ?


Says how if his son was just a little bit older then he would had rivalled his murderer in strenght and would have been a fairer duel 

What did Evander say as he was grieving over his son's body in Book 11 ?

Acknowledges his own men hate him and see him as a tyrant. He wishes to be buried with his son.

What does Mezentius before he is about to die at the hands of Aeneas ?


Calls out her friends Acca in the final moments of her life.

What does Camilia say in the final moments in her life before she is killed by Arruns ?
