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What is grief?

The feelings and thoughts we experience when someone or something we love dies or is no longer with us


Should adults express their feelings in front of children?

yes-everyone grieves and need to express these feelings


Why do people cry when someone leaves?

Natural release of emotions; express sadness; feelings of sadness, hurt, worry, fear


Can a child's misbehaviour cause a parent to leave?

False- a child does not cause a parent to leave


What is ambiguous loss?

Is a loss of someone or something that is unclear or uncertain. For instance, if we don't know where someone is.


When someone is very sad or upset, they may not want to talk and withdraw from others. What should you do if someone you knew did this?

Offer help; offer to spend time with them; play together; hang out; suggest they talk to someone; give them something to comfort them


What is a safe way to express angry feelings?

Physical activity (running, exercise, sports, jumping up and down); telling someone you trust; punching a pillow; screaming into a pillow; talking to a pet or stuffed animal


It is normal to have a hard time believing that a person is not around?

yes- it often seems unreal or have times when you momentarily think the person is back or may come back


Name 3 feelings children may have when someone they love dies?

sad, mad, scared, confused, worried, lonely, tired, guilty


Name 3 unhealthy ways to show feelings

hurting yourself or others, breaking things, breaking the law, name calling, swearing, using drugs or alcohol, being defiant, not going to school; taking risks; 


What does it mean to be "laughing on the outside but crying on the inside?"

A person feels differently than they appear to others; not showing others how they really feel and look happy outside


Name 3 activities which can help someone feel better

talking to friends or family; drawing; playing video games; playing with others; going outside; exercising or playing a sport; reading; watching television/Youtube; music; spending time with pets;

Who experiences grief?

Everyone who loves someone who has died or who loses them from something or who has lost something in their lives. Everyone experiences grief in their lives


Name 3 healthy ways to express grief?

Talking about it; drawing; writing; music; sports/exercise; crying; doing activities which help you feel close to them; seeking comfort; wearing their clothes


Does everyone cry when someone leaves? Why or why not?

no- everyone expresses feelings differently and crying is only one way to express feelings


How long does grief last?

grief does not end-it changes and occur less often and less intensely, but occurs from time to time in grief bursts


Name 3 places in the body where someone might feel their feelings

head, heart, neck, chest, arms, shoulders, eyes, mouth, stomach


If a friend's family member is no longer in their life, what advice would be helpful?

It's okay to talk about it; I understand how you feel; having fun is helpful; it won't feel like this forever; It's ok feel all of your feelings and express them to others


Why do children sometimes hide their feelings?

Embarassment; fear of how others will respond; no one to talk to; don't want to upset others or get in trouble; feeling like talking about it will make them more upset


How do we stay connected to someone losing them?

create something in their memory; pictures; videos; do activities you shared; talk about them with others
