I am good for 14 days and normally administered with an instrument.
What is Total Protein Vials
I have two set of vitals,
And I am determined by gender
WHAT IS „ Hematacrit“ ?
Performed every other week unless weather permits
What is Plasma Shipment
What is the hardest substance in the human body
What is the Enamel
Must be done after temp is record
What is press clear
I am asked this when I first enter the room
What is name last 4
I am required after any unexpected events on the donor floor. I am talked about every day and sometimes I am missed
What is documentation?
Must be shipped 1170 per case
What are Archive Samples?
I can be performed after 6 months, or a year
What is a physical Exam
Range for HCT Male and Female
What is 38-54
What is 39-54
The number of resticks performed on a donor
What is Not more than a total of three venipuncture attempts are allowed to collect product
I am visible in the tubing when the needle line is disconnected from the harness set, you must discontinue procedure
What is a blood clot
Provides guidance on deferrals to be applied to the donor as related to the various conditions.
What is the Donor Deferral Table
If someone "spills the tea," what are they doing in modern slang?
What is Sharing gossip
Which country is known as the "Land of the Rising Sun"?
What is Japan
Which animal is notorious for constantly trying to sneak a "nibble" on food even with full cheeks?
What is a Chipmunk
Which part of your body contains a bone called the ‘Funny Bone’?
What is the elbow
What animal is known for its ability to regenerate lost limbs?
What is a starfish