Robert Oppenheimer headed the team of physicists for the code named Manhattan project; their goal was to produce this fearsome technology.
Nuclear Weapons
This French story is set in 19th century France and follows a peasant (Jean Valjean) seeking atonement after being arrested for stealing a loaf of bread for his sister’s starving child.
Les Misérables
This is a is a cooking procedure in which alcohol is added to a hot pan to create a burst of flames, you fucking twat.
The Mona Lisa
In classical mythology, this "light-bringer" was the name of the planet Venus, though it was often personified as a male figure bearing a torch.
This Cambodian Prime Minister led the Democratic Kampuchea between 1975-1979. His bloody regime resulted the deaths of an estimated 1.7 million Cambodians.
Pol Pot
Perhaps you'd like to "Do the Time Warp" with the sweet transvestite in this cult classic film.
Rocky Horror Picture Show
This is a flavour-boosting technique that creates a sauce (known as a fond) by adding cold liquid (such as broth or wine) to a hot pan that has been removed from the heat. Only a inbred ass-donkey doesn't know this.
Michelangelo's masterpiece adorns the roof of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican city. This scene from it has also been the basis of many, many, many memes.
Creation of Adam
In Hinduism, this god is usually shown with light blue skin and four arms. He holds a lotus, mace (gada), conch (shankha) and disc (chakra) in each of four hands.
When this Spanish explorer thought he found a new continent, the subsequent colonization of the americas resulted in millions of deaths. Subsequently, an estimated 80% of the native population died as a result.
Christopher Columbus
It's California 1958 and greaser Danny Zuko and Australian Sandy Olsson are in love. Tell me more, tell me more...
This is a process of extracting flavour from any aromatic ingredient (such as tea or herbs) by steeping them in a hot liquid (such as water, milk or oil). You stupid prat.
Vincent van Gogh's most famous piece, adorned with striking swirling blues and yellows. On display at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.
Starry Night
He was the god of wine, which he invented. In ancient Greece, he was honored with springtime festivals that centered on theater. Son of Zeus and Semele, a mortal. His symbols include ivy, the snake, and grapes. The Romans called him Bacchus.
The plasmodium parasite, transmitted by mosquito bite, causes this tropical disease. It is the deadliest disease ever, being responsible for killing an estimated 50% of ALL HUMANS WHO HAVE EVER LIVED...
This musical Broadway comedy tells the tale of two missionaries who are intent on bringing the message of their religion to Uganda. The script, lyrics, and music were created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone of South Park
Book of Mormon
Vegetables are submerged in a pot of boiling water and cooked for 1-5 minutes depending on the vegetable. The vegetables are immediately transferred to a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking process. Remove your head from your arse before you answer.
This is the most famous of Gustav Klimt's works, on display in the Upper Belvedere in Vienna, Austria. You can also get a cheap print of it from Ikea.
The Kiss
This jackal headed Egyptian god of mummification and the afterlife is also the patron god of lost souls and the helpless.
The Young Turks, who called themselves the Committee of Unity and Progress, were responsible for the genocide of 1.5 million people from this ethnic group between 1914 - 1923.
This is the highest grossing broadway musical of all time, raking in 8.2 Billion. It's based on more shit that Disney owns.
The Lion King
This involves soaking fruit (fresh or dried) in a flavoured liquid such as vinegar or liquor. Please don't answer like old people fuck.
Sandro Botticelli's non-religious nude was probably commissioned by the art loving Medici family. It portrays the goddess of love riding a clam shell. On display in Le Gallerie Degli Uffizi in Florence, Italy.
Birth of Venus
In Norse Mythology, this is a Giant ash tree springing from body of Ymir and supporting the universe; its roots extended to Asgard, Jotunnheim, and Niffheim; is also known as the world tree. 500 Bonus points if you can pronounce it properly.