Today's Readings
Stereotype Threat
In The Classroom
Physical Activity
Define Grit.
Perserverence and passion for long-term goals Working hard in the face of adversity towards challenges while keeping effort and interest despite failure
What aspects of motivation aid in grit and persistence
Goal-setting Effort Passion Interest Learning goals vs. performance goals
How does stereotype threat hinder performance?
If you are aware of a negative stereotype, it might actually come true and you won't achieve your full potential.
How can we promote grit in elementary school students?
Ex) tell stories of kids who have overcome obstacles; having good role models; praise for hard work, not grades Introduction of self-control
Give an example of when you used grit when playing sports/working out
Personal experience answers
Which of the big 5 personality traits were found to be related to grit?
Name one of the three aspects of motivation, as discussed in the Ambrose article on motivation, that could make for a grittier individual?
Value, self-efficacy, and supportive environment
Give an example of a stereotype that a low SES individual would need to overcome using grit.
ex) unmotivated; won't go anywhere in life; have a predetermined destiny; not smart
How can we promote grit in middle school students?
Personal development and understanding of yourself. Focus on transition to adulthood and how you're going to get there. Start long-term goal planning (shorter basis)
Name a sport in which you think grit is an important aspect and justify your answer
ex) wrestling = you might be tired or in pain, but you push through to see the end result
Describe one criticism that Osgood's blog post had of Tough's interview
Research is nothing new. Coping skills he proposes aren't long-term fixes. His approach is behaviorist. Just band-aids. He is a well-to-do white man and doesn't know what poverty is like
How should we frame success in order to keep people motivated so they can persist in obstacles?
Hard work and effort "Keep up the good effort" Focus on making good progress
How can teacher's stereotypes of students hinder grit education?
They can stereotype kids to think that they aren't capable of grit and won't focus on their progress as much as other students.
How can we promote grit in high school students?
Focus on long-term goal creation Help kids think about how they are going to get there
How can grit education be incorporated into PE classes?
Even if something is difficult, don't give up on it. Not everyone is good at every sport and not everyone starts off on the same skill level. Professional Athletes as an example of dedication required to be successful Focus on individual improvement, not comparisons
According to the research studies we read about, who were the gritty individuals?
More educated adults. Older people. Higher GPAs. Self-control.
Once we are already successful, how can grit and persistence keep us going?
Reevaluation of goals and setting new ones
How can grit help you overcome the negative effects of stereotype threat
You're focused on long-term goals, not living up to others' expectations of you
Why does having grit and persistence make you a successful student?
Because you have long-term goals, you see the value in learning.
How can grit on the field translate to grit in the classroom?
Learning the value of hard work and practice Goal-setting
How could grit relate to our class theme of cognitive overload?
Helps you get through the cognitive overload problems.
What makes an exceptional individual exceptional (such as prominent leaders or athletes like Michael Jordan)? Relate your answer to motivation and grit.
ex) they see value and passion in their art and have the stamina to achieve their long-term goals
Why is it important to overcome stereotype threat?
Gives you a positive mindset to achieve your long-term goals; you focus on your capabilities, not your flaws
What can school systems do to promote grit and persistence in the classroom?
Focus less on standardized tests Promote character development, curiosity, interest Focus on programs that value effort
How does physical activity promote growth and why is that important for grit?
Stress to the brain that when coupled with recovery promotes growth and learning, something that is increased in gritty individuals or can help develop grit in individuals that lack it