What do pangolins eat?
This popular hero first appeared socking Hitler in the jaw, on the cover of a 1940 comic bearing his name.
Captain America
Grapes are known for their edible duality once dried. What other popular fruit is known for this quality?
berries and tomatoes
This ancient Greek poet hailed from Lesbos, and gave her name to an adjective that's a synonym for "lesbian."
What animal is famous for being known to survive the vacuum of space and excessive radiation?
Name a continent pangolins are found on.
Africa or Asia
This 1987 graphic novel has been the subject of a 2007 live-action Zack Snyder film, a 2019 HBO miniseries, and a two-part 2024 animated feature film.
Name the yellow-greenish berry that is known for its unique starchy flavor.
Malaria prevented this famous Macedonian from establishing the largest empire in world history - instead he died at 31.
Alexander the Great
How long can Greenland sharks live for?
250-500 years
What kind of habitat do pangolins live in?
forests, savannas, or grasslands
Christopher Reeve starred as this superhero in a 1978 feature film which involves him reversing time by spinning the earth the opposite direction around its axis.
What is the best way to tell how sour a citrus will be without biting it?
The thickness of the pith/albedo (white outer ring)
This middle-aged playwright and socialite was arrested and jailed for endangering the youth due to his sexual relationship with a teenager nicknamed Bosie.
Oscar Wilde
What animal did Australia go to war with?
What is the name of the grit or small rocks witch pangolins, and other animals, ingest to aid digestion?
This actor, also famous for his band and his literal cult, mailed dead animals and used condoms to fellow cast members as part of his "method acting" during the filming of 2016's Suicide Squad.
Jared Leto
Identify this fruit (see photo)
Buddha's hand
Enkidu, a wild man-turned-warrior, was the sworn brother (and also likely lover) of this mythical king of Uruk, the title character in the world's oldest epic poem.
What is the name of the colonial organism that can grow larger than a blue whale?
Siphonophore (including Man O' War)
How many living species of pangolin are there?
9 (or 10!)
This popular comic book villain-turned-antihero has never had his backstory (as a Holocaust survivor) rewritten, with stories instead creating increasingly strange ways for him to remain middle-aged despite being a nonagenarian.
Name a melon that isn't Watermelon, Cantaloupe, or Honeydew Melon
Possible answers: Canary Melon, Casaba, Crenshaw, Bailan, Winter melon, Snap melon, Santa Claus melon, Hami, Gac, Horned melon, Ivory Gaya, Bitter melon
This English king (who I asked about last semester!!!) was widely rumored to be sexually involved with his advisors, first Piers Gaveston and, after Gaveston's death, Hugh Despenser. This spurred a civil war which lasted 1321-1327, when this king was killed.
Edward II
What is this thing (see photo)'s name???
Hammerhead Bat