Japanese Cartoons
Gamer talk
My Favorite Things
The Boys

This sci-fi based anime is the groom's favorite.

What is Steins;Gate?


This favorite game of the Groom's involves stealing the hearts of corrupted individuals.

What is Persona 5?


These pewter and red pirates, who are the groom's favorite, can be seen playing on Sunday during the fall and winter.

Who are the Tampa Bay Buccaneers?


This 1980's film featuring a young Mark Hamill confronting his father after learning wisdom from an unusual hermit is one of the Groom's favorites.

What is Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back?


This first person shooter was a popular staple with the boys, especially during their high school years.

What is Modern Warfare 2?


This popular show airing in 2012 was the first to push the groom into watching more anime than ever before.

What is Sword Art Online?


The groom currently holds a world record speedrun in this game.

What is Star Wars Republic Commando?


This storm surging professional sports team is a favorite of both the bride and groom and has been seen by them in person every year since they've been together.

What is the Tampa Bay Lightning?


This version of Pokemon that the Groom often plays is done by only catching one pokemon per route and releasing any that faint.

What is a nuzlocke?


This object is passed around during the boys meetings to discuss important events in their life.

What is a black and mild?


This 2019 show featuring children working together to survive and escape a precarious situation was the first anime the bride and groom watched together.

What is the Promised Neverland?


This popular title release in North America in the 90's is still the Groom's favorite 2D Mario game to this date.

What is Super Mario Bros. 3?


Daily Double: In this year the groom was able to witness both his favorite football and hockey team win their respective championships.

What is the 2020-2021 season?


This favorite social deduction board game of the groom's involves players receiving different roles to ultimately track down the demon amongst them.

What is Blood on the Clocktower?


This is the name of the movie the boys decided to watch after one of them accidentally broke the groom's tv.

What is X-men Apocalypse?


This long-running thriller anime once had the groom watching around 50 episodes without stopping.

What is Monster?


The groom often runs randomizer's for many games, but this game in particular is the only one that he's ever finished.

What is Ocarina of Time?


This professional ball player, sporting the title "The Captain", was one of the groom's favorites growing up.

Who is Derek Jeter?


This energetic 70's and 80's rock band featuring hits such as Eruption and Hot for Teacher remains the groom's favorite band and the first album for a band that he bought.

Who is Van Halen?


This extreme beverage was the driving force behind the boys naming their original Gloomhaven campaign.

What is a 4 Loco?


The opening theme "This Game" by Konomi Suzuki is one of the groom's favorite openings and is featured in this 2014 anime.

What is No Game No Life?


One of the Bride and Groom's cats is named after a character from this puzzle solving game series.

What is the Zero Escape Series. (The nonary games)


The groom competed in this sport in high school and qualified for the state and national levels. 

What is archery?


This pokemon card is the most valuable card in the groom's collection which features not an actual pokemon, but a popular character from the sun and moon series.

Who is Lillie?


This is the correct order by which the groom met each of the boys in person.

Evan, James, Jarrad, Matt D., Nelson, Sam, Matt J.
