The spinal levels of the nerve that innervates serratus anterior
What is C5-C7?
Proximal attachment of ribs 3,4 and 5
What is Pectoralis minor?
Ascends as a short trunk giving rise to three branches
What is Thyrocervical Trunk?
Lateral aspect of the arm
What is C5?
Erbs Palsy results from the severing of this part of the brachial plexus
What is upper roots of the brachial plexus?
The innervation of coracobrachialis
What is musculocutaneous n.?
The medial attachment of _____ is the first rib and costal cartilage
What is Subclavius?
Curls around superomedial border of pec minor
What is thoracoacromial trunk?
Medial aspect of forearm and inferior arm
What is T1?
Protrusion of the scapula as a result of the inability of serratus anterior to function
What is scapular winging?
The spinal levels of the innervation for deltoid
What is C5-C6?
Major supinator of the arm
What is biceps brachii?
Radial recurrent artery forms an anastomosis with _____
What is radial collateral artery?
What is medial aspect of superior and skin of axilla?
Dislocation of the radius from the annular ligament at the elbow joint in children due to the laxity of their ligaments
What is Nursemaid's elbow?
Pierces supinator
What is deep branches of radial nerve?
What is pronator teres and pronator quadratus?
Terminal branches of brachial artery
What is radial and ulnar artery?
Medial side of forearm, hand and digit 5
Fracture of the distal end of the radius, proximal to styloid process from forced extension of the hand usually during a fall.
What is Colles Fracture?
Emerges between biceps brachii and brachialis
What is lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve?
Distal attachment of posterolateral surface of olecranon process of ulna
What is Anconeus?
The source of inferior thyroid artery
What is thyrocervical trunk?
The dermatome location for T4
What is Nipple?
Tendonitis of the tendons of the thenar outcrop that form the anatomical snuffbox
What is DeQuervain's syndrome?