An infant's hips are more extended while in prone at what month?
2 months
What would a 3 month old look like in sitting?
Shrug shoulders and juts head/chin out
Which skill typically comes first: crawling, rolling supine to prone, transitioning to sitting, or rolling prone to supine?
Rolling prone to supine?
Dr. Madie's full first name is what?
A child is typically able to bring their feet to mouth at what month?
5 months
In supine a 6 month old would do what movement?
Chin tuck and roll to prone
Name a transitional movement a child might use to come to independent standing (not at a surface)
Dr. San Lucas has two children, name one.
Autumn and Kyle
Head is in midline at what month?
4 months
In prone, a 4 month old is able to shift on forearms in prep for what skill?
Reaching for toys
A typically developing child of 8 months with the ability to sit independently, would have which protective extension reactions present?
Dr. Barrett's husband's occupation is what?
High school Social Studies teacher
A child will pull to stand at what month?
9 months
At 8 months old, a child is able to perform multiple transitions, name one
Supine to sidelying to sitting and reverse; Quadruped to/from sitting
In a "new walker" what position are the child's feet usually in when walking?
Ankle eversion, wide base of support, slight ER of feet
We have two new lab instructors this quarter, name one of them.
Genesis Garcia or Andee Gorton
If a child is cruising furniture they are likely what age?
10 months
"Shoulder and hip stability before elbow and wrist,
knee and ankle stability" describes which developmental direction principle?
Proximal before distal control
In 1934 the Library of the College of Medical Evangelists moved to the basement of Burden hall, named for Pastor [BLANK] A. Burden. What was Pastor Burden's first name?