What is the name of the Prophet's (saw) parents?
Amina and Abdullah
The long pillars outside of mosques are called
How many surahs are in the Quran
Funeral prayer is called what in Islam
Salatul Janazah
What is the name of the tribe or group that controlled Makkah during the life of the Prophet (saw)?
This empire conquered over the Hagia Sophia and converted it from a church to a Mosque
What is the shortest surah in the Quran?
surah kawthar
Which 2 Prophets built the Kaabah together initially?
Ibrahim and Ismael
Asiya is known as whom in Muslim tradition
The wife of Pharaoh who was a Muslim and followed Musa's teaching
Which battle resulted in the loss of the Muslims due to the archers leaving their appointed station?
What is the name of the stylish writing that can be found in mosques
Arabic calligraphy
What is the longest verse in the quran?
Ayatu Dayn (Surah Baqarah)
Who conquered Constantinople?
The Ottomans, Sultan Mehmet
What is the rate for Zakat as a percent
At what age was the Prophet given the message?
The Alhambra, an architectural wonder dating back to the Nasrid era is located in what modern day country
When is the BEST time to recite Quran (ie when is it observed?)
After Fajr prayer
What are the 4 schools of thought in Islam?
Maliki, Hanbali, Shafi'i, Hanafi
Every good deed in Islam is multiplied by how much
What is the name of the treaty between the Muslims and the Polytheists that stipulated no fighting for 10 years
Treaty of Hudaibiyyah
What is considered haram when it comes to Islamic art? What is haram to do when creating a piece?
To draw anything with a face and depicting human form
What surah should be read every Friday?
Surah Kahf
What event ended the Islamic Golden Age in 1258?
The Siege of Baghdad by the Mongols
What 4 things does a person perform during Umrah?
1. Tawaaf
2. Praying behind Maqam Ibrahim
3. Sa'yi between Saffa and Marwa
4. Cutting/trimming hair