When you steal something from a shop
Compare a car and a bike (Use a quantifier)
A car is much faster than a bike
Name 5 things you would find on the table of a restaurant
Plate, Bowl, Knife, Fork, Spoon, Tablecloth, Salt, Pepper, Glass etc.
Somebody who fights crime
Police Officer
When you steal something from a house
Rode Ridden
Superlative of Bad
The Worst
Name 3 x adjectives you can use for food
Delicious, Tasty, Disgusting, Spicy, Sweet, Savoury, Bitter, Hot, Healthy, Unhealthy
Somebody who works in a court
When you break/ruin public property e.g graffiti
Bled Bled
Compare Maths and English (Use a quantifier)
Maths is far more difficult than English
Italian, Sushi, Fast food, Vegetarian, French, Tapas, Burger
Somebody who fixes problems with water in the house: Bathroom, Kitchen etc.
A Plumber
When you move drugs/weapons/humans around the country/world
Hung Hung
Superlative of Less
Name 3 x People who work in restaurant
Waiter/Waitress, Barmaid/Man, Chef
Somebody who works with electric
When you steal someone's details e.g credit card and use it to take their money
Identity Fraud
Held Held
Compare Amazon and Ebay (Use a quantifier)
Amazon is much easier to use than Ebay
What are the three courses you have in a restaurant?
Starter, Main Course, Dessert
Somebody who fixes cars/motorbikes