Keeping accurate and useful financial Records and analyzing interpreting the recorded info
creating communication delivering and exchanging information
Steps than an individual takes to enhance or improve skills or traits that are needed to excel in her/his career or profession
Professional development
Groups of activities related to management (i.e., planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling)
Managment Function
Polite behavior; good manners.
Organized effort to produce or maintain goods or services
Day to day Operations required for continued business
Private information that belongs to an organization and cannot be released to the public
Proprietary information
The management function that monitors the work effect
All the opportunities that businesses have to connect with customers and reinforce their brand value.
The process of planning maintenance monitoring controlling and reporting the use of financial resources
Usage if outside of outside organization or consultants to preform one or more primary business activities
The values and ideals than an organization encourages among its employees.
Corporate culture
Managers who report to top-level management and who have supervisors who report to them
Mid-level Management
Promotion for a business provided by customers who tell others of their satisfaction with the business
Word-of-mouth promotion
process of planning staffing leading and organizing the employees
Human resources management
Producing goods or services
Promotion for a business provided by customers who tell others of their satisfaction with the business.
Word-of-mouth promotion
An integrated technology that assists with an organization's information management needs
Management information system (MIS)
Loyalty to a particular business.
Process of accesing processing maintaining evaluating and disseminating information
Info Management
Planning controlling and organizing an organization or department
Stratigec managemnt
Fulfilling the requirements of the law
Equipment used by the business
Material resource
Focused on customer needs and wants.