Key Terms
Civil Liberties
Securing Basic Freedoms
The Rights of Suspects
Interpreting the Bill of Rights

Double Jeopardy

"A prosecution pursued twice at the same level of government for the same criminal action."


What are civil liberties primarily designed to do?

Civil liberties are designed to limit government power and protect freedoms from government intrusion.


In basic terms, what does the First Amendment grant?

The First Amendment grants the freedom of speech, press, assembly, and petition of the government.


Which amendment provides a speedy public trial?

The Sixth Amendment.


What does the Ninth Amendment state?

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be constructed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."


Civil Rights 

"Guarantees of equal treatment by government authorities."


How does the First Amendment protect religious practices?

The First Amendment prevents the government from prohibiting the free exercise of religion, allowing individuals to follow and practice their religion freely. 


True or false, authorities are allowed to arrest someone without a warrant?

True. In most states, police are allowed to arrest a suspect if there is probable cause.


What amendment does No Double Jeopardy pertain to?

Pertains to the Fifth Amendment.


What act caused an uproar in 2001 and has become a controversial topic?

The U.S.A. Patriot Act


Probable Cause

"A legal standard for determining whether a search or seizure is constitutional or a crime has been committed."


What does the Eighth Amendment prohibit regarding punishments?

The Eighth Amendment prohibits the government from imposing cruel and unusual punishments, including torture


What Organization was involved in the court case 'Brandenburg v. Ohio' in 1969?

 The 'Ku Klux Klan'


Civil disputes between individuals or businesses pertains to which amendment?

The Seventh Amendment.

Do states have the ability to interpret and expand amendments as they see fit?

Yes, although it can be limited by the government, interpretation has to be reasonable, and have some validity this is backed up by the Tenth Amendment. 


Selective Incorporation

"The gradual process of making some guarantees of the Bill of Rights apply to state governments and the national government."


What significant change did the courts make in response to gender and racially segregated schools in the 1960's and 1970's?

The courts decided that segregating schools based on race and gender violated civil rights, leading to the desegregation of schools and equal treatment of students.


What happens if police find evidence of criminal activity during an illegal search?

Authorities are not allowed to use the evidence to convict you of that crime.


What are the Miranda Rights?

The only rights required to be stated before being interrogated under police custody.


Is abortion a natural constitutional right?

The Supreme Court ruled that abortion is not a right but the states have the power to pass laws restricting abortion -overruling Roe v. Wade.
