Literary elements
Figurative Language
Figurative Language in Context
Types of Poems
Types of Poems in Context

This is the central topic, subject, or message in a story.

What is Theme


Uses the words “like” or “as” to compare one object or idea.

What is a Simile


Read the prompt,

“The trees shivered when a huge wind blew right by them.”

Name the figurative language used in this sentence.

What is Personification 


A narrative poem that is set to music or a song.

What is a Balled


The poem, 

“I feel the sun’s warmth 

Baking on my skin. I watch

The flowers reach high.”

Is an example of:

What is a Haiku


This is the author’s attitude toward the subject.

What is Tone


A figure of speech in which human characteristics are given to an inanimate object.

What is Personification


Read the prompt,

“I feel great” I said, while being on the hospital bed

Name the figurative language used in this sentence.

What is Irony


A formal lyric poem that is written in celebration, appreciation, or dedication towards a person or subject.

What is a Ode


The poem,

“Shall I compare thee to a summers day

Though art more lovely and more temperate

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of may

And summers lease hath all too short a date.”

Is an example of:

What is a sonnet


This is the reader’s attitude toward the subject.

What is Mood


A joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or words that sound alike but have different meanings.

What is a Pun


Read the prompt,

“Life isn’t always a crystal stair, life can be a wooden stair full of splinters and bent nails.”

Name the figurative language used in this sentence.

What is Symbolism


A name given to poetry that dosent use any strict meter or rhyme scheme.

What is a Free Verse


The poem,

“Summer, I love you.

Touching the tulips that glow

As the river gently flows.

Looking at the ocean as the waves crash

As the sun comes out

All the people play and shout.

Summer, I love you!”

Is an example of:

What is a Ode


This the the struggle between two opposing forces.

What is Conflict


The placement of two differing ideas/things near/next to each other, for contrast.

What is Juxtaposition


Read the prompt,

“I can run very fast, but running long distances is my achilles heel.”

Name the figurative language used in this sentence.

What is an Allusion


A type of poem that is comprised of fourteen lines of verse that follow a specific rhyme scheme, depending on the type.

What is a Sonnet


The poem, 

“I was not happy with the rain

Until my eye caught five wet leaves-

A mysterious autumn watercolor gift

Here on this broken road.”

Is an example of:

What is a Free Verse


The background information on the characters and settings explained at the beginning of the story.

What is Exposition


A figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear beside each other.

What is Oxymoron


Read the prompt,

“What he thinks he’s doing is right, but I think what he’s doing is wrong.”

Name the figurative language used in this sentence.

What is a Paradox


A five-line poem that consists of a single stanza and an AABBA rhyme scheme.

What is a Limerick


The poem,

“The bicycling poodle he saw

Made the cop on the beat drop his jaw;

It was easy to tell

That it rode rather well

Though its hand signals truly were paws.”

Is an example of:

What is a Limerick
