What is the most common social networking app in the Philippines?
Bonus Question!
Who is the leader of this group?
Mary Joy Bug-atan
Bonus Question!
Riddle: What is one in every corner and two in every room?
Letter O
By Interacting, Sharing, Learning, and Communicating.
Give at least 1 example of Advantages and 1 example of Disadvantages of Social Networking
-Brand Awareness, Instant Reachability, Builds A Following, Business Success, and Increased website traffic.
- Rumors and Misinformation, Negative Reviews and comments, Data Security and Privacy Concerns, and Time-Consuming Process.
What allows people to connect through apps and websites?
Social Networks/Social Networking
Give 1 examples of Social Networking Platforms
Any websites and Apps
What does our subject called?
Bonus Question!
Who is the Editor of this Group?
Julia Robert Roble
What is the topic of this report?
Social Networking
What happened at the end of 1998?
The Surf Of Friends
What does the Social Networking Connects?
Enables companies to reach out to new and existing clients. This helps to make brands more relatable and promotes.
Brand Awarness
Refers to a single negative review can adversely affect an established business, especially if the comments are posted on a platform with a large following. A tarnished business reputation can often cause irreparable damage.
Negative Reviews and Comments
Name all the members of this group! No need 2nd name and Middle initials.
Aaron Gomez, Christine Mae Dayanan, Julia Robert Roble, Keint Martin Medina, Mary Joy Bug-atan, Peter John Bacolod, Rhea Macasantos, and Vince Cloribel.
Bonus Question! Who is the Assistant Leader of this Group?
Christine Mae Dayanan
What allows the users and organizations to connect, communicate, share information, and form relationship?
Websites and Apps
It refers to positive reviews and comments generated by customers on social networking platforms can help improve business sales and profitability.
Business Success
Enumerate the 4 purposes of Social Networking
-Sharing, Learning, Interacting, and Marketing
What year did networking took place?
How does users and organizations connect, communicate, share information, and form relationship?
Social Networking
Bonus Question! Name atleast 1 teacher of 21st Century
Glory Ann Aban/ Sir
Complete the Sentence
In Social Networking, people can connect with others in the _______,_______,______, and _______.
Same Area, Families, Friends, and those with same interest.
Enumerate all Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking
-Brand Awareness, Instant Reachability, Building, Business Success, and Increased website traffic.
- Rumors and Misinformation, Negative Reviews and comments, Data Security and Privacy Concerns, and Time-Consuming Process.