This occurs at 630a and 630p. Staff are expected to be present in the milieu because this is when a lot of incidents with patients occur.
This occurs each time a patient is admitted, transferred, and/or discharged
Patient belongings are searched - or BH Valuables completed (both include a search)
These stations are located in the basement of Bldg 121, in a hut near Unit 67, and down the hall from GTCH in Hawkins.
Portable oxygen refill stations
Sharps monitoring
These are checked daily every shift by staff. B-shift does this after midnight. Med nurses do this each shift.
Temp logs.
This discipline is expected to search patients, their property, and document in Adhoc BH Valuables
Use this oxygen delivery device to deliver 1-5L/min
Nasal Cannula
Assault & Suicide precautions
These patients are monitored 100% of the time when they are eating
Patients with dysphagia
Patients self-report this each shift. Some patients think it's disgusting but it's important. Going 3 days without one means the RN has to call the provider.
Drugs sewn into clothing seams, plastic shopping bags, cigarettes, lighters
Use this oxygen delivery device to deliver 6-10L/min
Simple mask
The maximum amount of time one of these can be checked out is 15-20 minutes.
What are sharps?
These bins are turned in after each use in Hawkins.
Hygiene bins.
Entering a patients name or patient identifier in another patients chart is considered
What is a HIPPA violation
The hospital guideline that would detail what allowable property patients can have on their specific units
Policy (specifically 18.25 Patient Property)
This oxygen delivery device is used in emergent situations. It has a bag attached to it. It can deliver between 12-15L/min
Non-rebreather mask
These include nail clippers, tweezer, razors and are counted every shift.
Used as a part of oral hygiene - a patient can only be given one piece at a time and staff must watch the patient discard it after use
What is dental floss
This is when you lose internet connection and use paper charting.
What is Downtime
Disposition of credit cards, social security cards, cell phones, large amounts of cash, expensive jewelry, watches, etc., upon admission to a unit.
Lock them up - patient is not allowed to keep them
For patients using a nasal cannula, this must happen every 7 days.
Change & re-label tubing
While all sharps must be inspected upon return, staff must pay special attention to these items for the safety of the unit.
Examples of this are: standby assist, 2+ assist. Tools used include gait belt.
Patient transfers (have RN demonstrate first)