What information do you need to obtain to secure a call from an employee?
How many calls for each agent will be reviewed per month for quality?
When should Personal be used?
Personal time: personal calls, bathroom, drink, etc.
Who do employees enroll in coverage with?
Through their ER
What information must you secure from an SP/DP to secure the call?
Name (first and last), SSN (last 4) and DOB
What are the two major categories in the Quality program?
Call Essentials and Customer Experience
When should After Call Work be used?
Wrap up work such as emails, tasking, generating correspondence, noting
When is coverage effective?
What is the SF portal used for internally and externally?
Claims and EOI
What information can you NEVER release to an ER/Broker even if the call is secured?
Medical info and MU guidelines
What is the goal score for quality?
How many months is the Coaching Period before agent metrics count toward their performance goals? What one metric is not included in this Coaching Period?
1 Month, Attendance
What 4 categories of individuals may be eligible for coverage? Define each.
What external users have access to the SF portal for EOI?
What information can you confirm for a SP/DP regarding the EE?
What are the three possible scores for each category of the Quality program?
Exceeding, Achieving, and Building
What are the 6 metrics a Customer Care Advocate is held accountable to meet for performance objectives?
Attendance (Tardies), Attendance (Unscheduled Absence), Adherence, ACW, Avg Hold, Quality
What group benefits do we offer to our clients? (name all 7)
What information does a returning user need to login to the SF portal?
Username/email and password
What information do you need to secure a call from an ER or Broker?
Caller name, contact ph#, Group name, applicant name, applicant type, ssn/EE ID, DOB
What 9 elements make up the Customer Experience category of the Quality program?
Communication, Active Listening, Positive Experience, Empathy and Customer Advocacy, Build confidence and establish trust, call management, Proactive guidance and education, issue resolution and negotiation, Resilience
What 9 KPI's are monitored for coaching, feedback and development?
Productivity/Occupancy, Calls handled, Outbound Calls, Transfer Calls, AHT, Average Talk Time, Calls under 1 minute, call backs, incorrect tasks.
What is the difference between Enrollment and EOI?
What information does a new user need to register for the SF portal?
EE ID/SSN, Last name, DOB, email, mobile number, new password