This action is frowned upon w/out permission from facilitator.
What is Leaving =getting supplies/using restroom?
(Please use the restroom before & come supplied for group)
This core-value is essential to a T.C., especially in a group setting
What is Respect/"Golden Rule"?
(Treat others as you would like them to treat you)
Common lingo for amplified story-telling, or tall-tales.
What is "War Stories"?
These groups are held on Mon. Wed. & Fri. @ 9:30am
What is Phase Group?
(Where you get the opportunity to read off phase-work & give feedback to your peers)
This leisurely activity is disrespectful to both facilitators & clients while in group.
What is Sleeping?
This core-value is important when giving feedback/sharing
What is honesty/being truthful?
This harmful behavior should not be a topic of discussion in groups & may lead to breaking of a Cardinal Rule.
What is Violence?
These groups are held on Tues. & Thurs. @ 10;45am & 1pm
What is Specialty Groups?
This is the definition of the subject line.
What is :To draw the attention or mind to a different object 2.)or to confuse with conflicting emotions or motives.
These activities are distracting whilst in group & are better left to do on your free-time.
(there are 3 accepted answers to this question)
What is Journaling/Phase-work/Cell phone usage.
(If expecting an important call/text during group, inform facilitator BEFORE group)
"Co-signing on peoples B.S." is a common phrase used for doing this
What is Saving/Rescuing/Enlisting?
This Group is held once a week & a packet you are provided upon arrival is required to review whilst in group
What is Rules & Boundaries Group?
Doing this in group is only allowed if provided &/or approved by facilitator.
What is eating(chewing) candy/snacks/gum?
Doing this is disrespectful/distracting to both facilitators & other clients
What is Cross-Talking?
(Raise your hand, wait your turn)
This anti-social/harmful behavior is not to be discussed because we are trying to lead better lives & not focus on past actions.
What is Illegal Activities?
These groups are held on Sat. & Sun. @ 1pm & 6pm
Staff-led PRS
This activity must be staff approved & not interfere w/ attention while in group.
What is doodling/coloring?
Sometimes Share-Based & sometimes Speaker-Led, this happens once a week @ 7pm on Wednesdays.
Mandatory 12-step meeting.
(It is encouraged that you ask questions & give feedback)
This anti-social/harmful behavior is not to be discussed in group because "We don't have to live like that anymore".
What is Gang Activity?
These groups are held Mon., Tues., Thus. & Fri @ 7pm & Wed @ 6pm
What is P.R.S.? = Psycho-social Rehabilitative Service
(Volunteer or be Volun-TOLD, LoL)