Principle associated with "how hard"
What is intensity
This principle indicates that in order to improve or change, the body must be challenged over and above what it is used to
What is adaptability
These activities help to heal, repair and restore the body and it's systems after training
What are sleep, nutrition, hydration, recovery time, massage
The BLANK you start from your genetic physical limit, the greater the physical changes
What is farther
Maintaining a desired position (static, dynamic) is BLANK and performing a given amount of work in the shortest possible time (strength and speed) is BLANK.
Balance and Power
Principle associated with "how long"
The BLANK the demands on the body, the BLANK the adjustment by the body
What is greater
What is 24-36 hours
Cross training can prevent this
What is overtraining, injuries and boredom
BLANK is the ability to quickly perform a series of movements in opposing directions (accelerate, decelerate, change direction),
Principle associated with "how often"
The BLANK an individual's fitness level, the bigger the adjustments will be
What is lower
This is the amount of rest time recommended to allow for muscular adaptations to occur
What is 48-72 hours
The principle indicates that fitness gains will eventually plateau
What is diminishing returns
How quickly we can move our limbs is known as BLANK.
Principle associated with "activity options"
What is type
SAID stands for
What is Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands
This principle indicates that the body will adjust to lower levels of physical activity, losing the gains at about 1/3 of the rate it was gained
What is reversibility
Increasing exercise overload in this way, stimulates the body to adapt resulting in improvements in fitness level without causing injury or overtraining
What is progressive
Being able to use different parts of the body smoothly and efficiently to create a desired movement is known as BLANK
This concept is related to the physiological changes that lead to increases in functional fitness/health capacities. You need to participate in regular physical activity of sufficient load.
What is the training effect
The three categories SAID training effects can be organized into
What are metabolic, neuromuscular and skills
This is recommended to slow the effects of detraining
What is keeping intensity, time and type of activity the same but dropping the frequency
This is the 'sweet spot' for % increase in training intensity that will provide enough stimulus to cause change (without injury) but not so little that change does not occur
What is 10%
The amount of time between the presentation of a stimulus and the initiation of a response to that stimulus is BLANK.
Reaction Time