What is the name of the Celtic harvest festival that many people believe Halloween is based on?
Who has the highest intiative?
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Who made the thrilling trilogy of Dracula flow, Dracula flow 2, and Dracula flow 3?
What is Joji
This classic game has inspired many to try to imitate its openness and freedom, but not many can replicate, and none can never replicate it whole heartedly.
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These candy bars got their name because they originally came as three different pieces that were chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.
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Who stole the cats?
What is kyrie
This person has idealized many things in seminars in multiple languages, and has preached about absurd topics.
What is robert breaker
In 2015, the first 6 games were induced into the World Video Game Hall of Fame. Name one of these games.
what is Pong, Tetris, Pac-Man, Super Mario Bros, DOOM, & World of Warcraft.
In what country was the first written account of children using the phrase “trick or treat” on Halloween?
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Who needs psychiatric care?
what is all of us
What is the song behind the infamous .mp3 of the ear rape of, "trap one time, trap two time"?
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what is the most promiscuous Halloween party costume?
what is wearing nothing
Who is the most likely to get someone pregnant next?
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What band has made numerous cult classics, such as, "Huit Octobre 1971", "Poxa", and "Prelude Go Round"
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What are the origins of the infamous Trick or Treat .mp3?
What is Halloween Harassment?
What game brought Austin onto the discord server?
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Who is the person that made the shadow wizard money gang song? (Also featured in the iDubbz Sam Hyde Documentary)
what is Joeyy
On November 10th 2025, what will happen?
what is a surprise