Name one Anger coping Skill In school
What is anger-coping skills/taking a break/deep breathing.
Answer varies
When is the last day of school?
Thursday June 6, 2024
It is ok for me to argue with the teacher when I don't agree with him/her.
What are 3 responsibilities you have at school?
Turn in work, do assignments, raise hand, listen to the teacher, follow school procedures, show kindness and respect to others, do not disturb others, etc.
What is one thing you learned this school year?
True or False. Learning about what makes you feel angry can help you get less angry next time
What is True. You get to know your body
These bugs are most prevalent during summer months - and leave you scratching
Coloring or drawing is a good strategy to use when I am angry and need to calm down.
I don't understand how to do my school work. It is my responsibility to...
Ask for help
Research for answers if necessary
Spell this 7 letter word
True or False. Anger is a problem when it affects others or causes problems
What is True.
This fruit is rough on the outside, has green spiky leaves and is yellow and sweet on the inside.
The bus is moving and my friend asks me to move seats to sit with them. What do you do?
Tell them it is not safe to switch seats when the bus is moving.
You should apologize when
What is: When I do something wrong or hurt someone's feelings.
Spell this 10 letter word
How soon should you recognize triggers of anger?
What is right you stop yourself before something bad happens
Making these around a campfire is fun and delicious but usually sticky
Roasted Marshmallows or Smores
Name one thing you can do to show self control.
Look at the person
Stay Seated
Stay muted
Raise hand
How should you let someone know you're really sorry?
What is: Explain why you're sorry and what you'll do to fix it
What is Lawton Chiles Mascot?
Home of the Eagles
True or False. talking your feeling out can help you feel better
What is true.
The most popular ice cream topping
Chocolate Syrup
List 3 advantages of having self-control at school
What is...
Learning more, having more friends, not getting in trouble, building good relationships, student development, more opportunities
When I enter a room to ask someone a question, what's the first thing I should do? Then what do I need to wait for?
I should say something to get their attention and wait for them to look at me.
What color are the stars on the American flag?