The Outsiders: What Has Happened So Far
Literary Devices
___________ helps Ponyboy and Johnny to run away after Bob is killed.
Who is Dally
" I was wishing I looked like Paul Newman--- he looks tough and I don't--"(3) The excerpt above tells us that Ponyboy feels_____________ about his looks.
What is insecure
This synonym can be used to replace the phrase 'shock and horror" in the sentence below: The crowd of fans stood in shock and horror as they watched their team lose the Superbowl.
What is aghast
"I have light-brown, almost-red hair and greenish-gray eyes. I wish they were more gray, because I hate most guys that have green eyes..."(3) The excerpt above has this type of conflict.
What is man vs self
"Save your money when you spend it here". This sale sign, seen in a department store, contains this particular literary device.
What is paradox.
Soda dropped out of school in order to do this.
What is work and help keep Ponyboy in school.
""I know," I said, but the ground began to blur and I felt hot tears running down my cheeks. I brushed them away impatiently" (7). The fact that Ponyboy brushes away the tears impatiently tells the reader that he is trying to appear _______
What is tough
In order to protect her __________ as a good student, Mia decided to change her friends and pay more attention in class.
What is reputation
Internal conflict is conflict that happens ______________
What is within the character.
The following contains this type of allusion: "Straw houses cannot survive when the big bad winds of life start blowing".
What is literary allusion.
These are the rival groups/gangs in the novel
Who are The Greasers vs The Socials
"Soda is handsomer than anyone else I know. Not like Darry--- Soda's movie-star kind of handsome, the kind that people stop on the street to watch go by"(8). Based on what Ponyboy says here, we can tell that he: A. is jealous of Soda B. is in awe of Soda C. is a hypocrite D. hates Soda
What is B. is in awe of Soda
Anthony is such a __________ young man. He opens doors for others and gives up his seat whenever he sees an elderly person standing on the bus.
What is gallant
"They had my arms and legs pinned down and one of them was sitting on my chest with his knees on my elbows" (6). The type of conflict in this excerpt is ____
What is character vs character
This type of allusion is used in the following: "Maria shook he head as she thought about her ruined friendship. Indeed, nothing gold can stay".
What is literary allusion
S. E. Hinton includes the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" in the novel. The gold represents this.
What is innocence and purity
Darry's anger that causes him to hit Ponyboy proves that he was feeling very ___________
What is worried.
These synonyms can be used to replace the phrases 'way in which a character is shown" and"determine" in the sentence below: The way in which a character is shown can determine how the reader feels about the character.
What are portrayal and influence
The story "To Build a Fire' uses this type of conflict because it focuses on a man trying to survive a blizzard.
What is man vs nature
It is not the fastest person who wins the race, neither is it the one who starts first It is the person who stop to map their route when all the other runners have already begun racing. The first sentence is a paradox because...
Usually, races are won by the person who is fastest. However, it is true that in life, planning for the future is more important than jut rushing ahead.
At the drive-in, Ponyboy and Johnny meet these two girls.
Who are Cherry and Marcia
This is the difference between direct and indirect characterization.
What is Direct characterization-the writer tells you Indirect characterization- you have to make inferences based on clues.
The idea that all Americans are rude is a ______________
What is a stereotype.
MLK fought against the system of legal segregation and racism in the South, engaging in this kind of conflict,
What is man vs society
It is not the fastest person who wins the race, neither is it the one who starts first It is the person who stop to map their route when all the other runners have already begun racing. This is an example of an analogy because it has an extended comparison of these two things.
What are life and a race.