What does showing respect look like?
Valuing another person and the way they think, listening to what they are saying, appreciating the work they put into something
Octopuses have three hearts, and two of them stop beating when they swim.
You’ve been feeling like your opinions or needs are ignored in class, and you feel the need to speak up about how this affects you.
How can you express your feelings without sounding confrontational?
Speak privately with the person, use "I statements", be upfront about how you feel
Who is the main character in Cars?
What are some things that make it hard to be kind to others?
When they are unkind first, when we are having a bad day, are needs aren't being met
Why is it important to respect people even if we don’t agree with them?
Everyone's opinion is valid, shows we care about them as a person, respect is earned
Can animals have friends?
Cows have best friends and get stressed when separated.
A friend has been taking advantage of your kindness by asking you to do things you don’t feel comfortable with, like giving them your personal belongings or doing their homework. You need to set boundaries.
What are some ways to communicate that you want to help but need to prioritize your own well-being?
Set healthy boundaries, communicate your needs and emotions
Who is the top scare monster at Monsters Inc. ?
How can you show yourself kindness and how can it help your mental health?
Self-care, coping skills, being open in therapy, reflecting on yourself
Helps your mental health by building your confidence, your resiliency, and helps you learn new ways to cope.
How does it feel when someone disrespects you? What can you do in that situation?
Annoying, Upsetting
Use coping skills!
How long did it take the inventor of the Rubik's cube to solve his own puzzle?
The inventor of the Rubik’s Cube took a month to solve his own puzzle.
You’ve been invited to a party but are feeling anxious about going because you're not sure how to interact with others. You need to let your parent or guardian know how you feel.
How could you express your anxiety and ask for support or understanding from an adult?
Ask your parent if they've ever been in this situation, use "I statements", express why you are anxious
Who says "To Infinity and Beyond?"
Buzz Lightyear
Why might it be hard for some people to accept kindness?
They might not have experienced a lot of kindness before, they might not feel like they deserve it, etc.
Why is listening an important part of respect?
What was the first video ever uploaded to Youtube called?
The first video ever uploaded to YouTube was titled "Me at the Zoo."
You’ve been struggling in a particular subject and need extra help, but you’re worried that your teacher or parents will be upset with you for not understanding the material.
How could you ask for academic support without feeling ashamed or embarrassed?
Ask your peers if they are struggling or can help, see if your parent or teacher has extra time to help you, realize that everyone needs help sometimes!
What is Nemo's Dad's Name?
What’s one small act of kindness you can do this week?
Give someone a compliment, offer to help a teacher / parent, do an act of self-care, cheer someone up
What does self-respect mean, and why is it important?
Valuing yourself, setting healthy boundaries, creating standards for yourself
Bubble wrap was originally invented as wallpaper.
You’ve been experiencing physical or mental health challenges, such as headaches or anxiety, and need to talk to your parents or school nurse about it.
How would you tell your parents / the nurse/ your teacher you are not feeling the greatest in a respectful and clear way?
Describe your symptoms, be open about your mental health experiences, think about why you are anxious and share with your supports
What city does Ratatouille take place in?
Tell us about a time someone showed you genuine kindness. How did you feel? What did it mean to you?
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