Thinking Errors
Challenging Thinking Errors
Brain on Substances
Coping Skills
Random Trivia

Share an example of CATASTROPHIZING. Imagining the worst possible outcomes of the situation

EX: If I get a craving, I won’t be able to resist and I’ll relapse


Share an example of a way to DECATASTROPHIZE. The situation is having to go to court.

Ask yourself what is the worst that can happen? How likely is that to happen? What can I do even if it does happen?


True or false: Drug use can change the brain structurally 



Share 3 healthy coping skills

Journaling, going to group, talking to a support, drawing, listening to calming music, playing the tape through, resting, walking, playing with a pet, spending time with family, playing video games


What is the height of a basketball hoop in feet?

10 feet


Share an example of ALL or NOTHING thinking. Seeing things as ALL good or ALL bad, allowing for no middle ground. EX: If I don't succeed in this job, I'm a total failure.

EX: If I don't succeed in this job, I'm a total failure.


Share an example of USING HOPEFUL STATEMENTS. The situation is having a slip-up after 6 months of sobriety.

Relapse is part of recovery, this doesn't mean I am starting all over, I learned a lot in my sobriety time, I can try again, I stopped after one use, I was honest about my use

The need over-time for higher amounts of the same drug to feel its effects. You may have noticed that you developed a ________ to your substance of choice.



Doing something to take your mind off the problem for a while is an example of this type of coping skill



What substance is the leading cause of drug overdose deaths in the United States?



Share an example of OVER-GENERALIZATION. Making broad conclusions from a single or few events.

EX: I felt awkward during group, I'm ALWAYS so awkward.


Reword this statement to avoid "shoulding" on yourself: I should have never gone to that party.

I made a mistake attending the party, next time I am going to try to avoid a triggering situation.


In the short-term it may feel like your substance is helping or treating something, but in the long-term the _______ is true.



True or False: EVERY coping skill is healthy

False, examples of unhealthy coping skills include substance use, sleeping too much, overeating, ignoring the problem/feelings


Which is the least harmful (safest) way of taking a substance; eating, smoking, or injecting?

Eating, because it takes longer for the body to absorb it and it can also be puked or pumped out if necessary.


Share an example of FILTERING. Focusing only on the negative aspects while ignoring the positive. 

EX: I'm only in group because I have to be, it's a waste of my time


Share an example of EXAMINING THE EVIDENCE. The situation is telling yourself that you are a complete failure in recovery.

I have 4 days of sobriety, I attend my groups, I go to community support meetings when I can, I talk about my problems, I'm working on my honesty.


When a substance begins to wear off, you may start to experience negative symptoms. This is known as...



Share a coping skill you could use to help with anger

Deep breathing, counting to 10, taking a break, walking away, "I" Statements


What country has the world's largest population?

China, at 1.45 billion


Share an example of PERSONALIZING. Blaming yourself for everything and thinking that everything people do is a reaction to you.

EX: My partner came home in a bad mood, they must be mad at me.


Share an example of DETERMINING WHAT IS IN YOUR CONTROL. The situation is being ordered to attend group therapy by your probation officer.

My attitude, my participation, my attendance, how I choose to respond to my PO


Share an example of how the brain attempts to balance out your marijuana use if it provides a calming effect.

Brain produces anxiety or anti-calming chemicals


What are three types of grounding exercises? 

Hint: Mind, body, and favorites

Mental, Physical, and Soothing


According to Guinness World Records, what's the best-selling book of all time?

The Bible
