The sharing of information between two or more people to reach a common understanding.
What is communication?
A way of behaving in a respectful and polite manner towards others.
What are good manners?
What are acquaintances?
The capacity to feel other people's feelings.
What is empathy?
When a person or group repeatedly harms someone on purpose.
What is bullying?
Using gestures, facial expressions, body language, and eye contact to communicate.
What is nonverbal communication?
Someone who listens and actually hears what others are saying.
What is a good listener?
A relationship built on trust, respect, and open communication.
What is a healthy relationship?
Appreciating the good things in life, no matter how big or small.
What is gratitude?
Sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else.
What is cyberbullying?
The way a person expresses themselves through pitch, rhythm, and volume when speaking.
What is tone of voice?
The amount of space someone needs around them to be comfortable.
What is personal space?
Limits and rules we set for ourselves within relationships.
What are personal boundaries?
Things we can do to feel better and take care of our minds.
What are self-care activities?
Leaving another person out on purpose, spreading lies, or making them feel left behind.
What is social bullying?
Expressing your opinions, needs, and feelings without ignoring or hurting the opinions, needs, and feelings of others.
What is assertiveness?
When friends or peers attempt to influence how you think or act.
What is peer pressure?
Limits people set to protect their feelings, emotional well-being, and personal space in relationships.
What are emotional boundaries?
Being kind to yourself when things are tough, when you make mistakes, or when you feel like you're not good enough.
What is self-compassion?
Someone that sees bullying happen and does not know what to do.
What is a bystander?
A way of focusing on you and expressing your feelings in a positive way about how a situation affected you.
What are "I" statements?
Someone you can trust, feel comfortable around, and who supports you through life's ups and downs.
What is a good friend?
Rules and boundaries people make for themselves in relationships that are easy to break or not very strong.
What are porous boundaries?
It helps you make and keep friends, get to know your neighbors, and feel a sense of belonging.
Why is sharing important?
Someone who stands up to bullying.
What is an upstander?