- Recess
- Lunch
- Nice and Friendly to you
- Has similar interests as you
- Is a similar age as you
- Is not likely to get you into trouble
- Rolling their eyes
- Turned away
- Walks away
Inside the home:
- Computer games
- Board games
- Watch a movie
Outside of the home:
- Mall
- Bowling
- Movies
- Add a comment
- Ask a question
- Follow along (nod, laugh, comment)
- Assess the humour feedback
- Laughing with you
- Smiling
1. Close friends/best friends
2. Friends in your friend group
3. Acquiantances
- Change the conversation
- Change the topic
1. Be serious when first getting to know someone
2. Don't repeat jokes
3. Humour should be age appropriate
4. Avoid insult jokes
5. Avoid inside jokes with people who won't understand them
6. Think about whether it is the right time to tell a joke
7. Pay attention to your humour feddback
1. Approach the person
2. Ask if they are free and want to do something
3. Suggest an activity
4. Plan a date and time when you can hang out
1. Look at his/her eyes
2. Stand about arms-length apart
3. Turn your body towards him or her
4. Say hello
**bored looking face
Small talk is light or casual conversation that doesn't include anything personal.
E.g. Weekend activities, Extra-curricular activities, Hobbies/interests, Computers/technology, Comic books/anime/manga, Movies, TV Shows, YouTube
1. Ask the other person about him or herself
2. Answer your own question
3. Find common interests
4. Share the conversation
5. Don't be a conversation hog
6. Don't be an interviewer
7. Don't get too personal at first
8. Assess interest
Figure out:
Who: who are you inviting to hang out
When: What day and time are you planning to hang out
What: What will you do with your friend
Where: where will you hang out? ( i.e. your house? Mall? Movies?)