What was a sign of the promise that Jehovah made to Noah, to never again destroy everything on the earth with a flood?
A rainbow
What was the name of the garden where Adam and Eve lived?
How many times did Peter deny Jesus before the rooster crowed?
What are the 3 Bethel headquarters?
1. Warwick
2. Wallkill
3. Patterson
What street is The Kingdom Hall located on?
Wade St.
How many books are in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures?
Who was known as the "man after God's own heart"?
What were the 3 main things Jesus did when he cleansed the temple of the people who were trying to make it a place of business?
1. He made a whip out of ropes and drove the sheep and the cattle out of the temple.
2. He overturned the tables of the money changers.
3. He poured their coins out on the ground.
At the assembly hall, what does the car in the front say on the top?
"Kingdom Message"
On JW.org a picture is featured under the, "Jehovah’s Witnesses—Who Are We?" section, What vehicle of transportation is featured in the image?
A motorcycle.
In The Bible Jehovah made a donkey speak to his rider/owner, what was the owners name?
What was the name of the mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments?
Mount Sinai
What happened to the Temple curtain when Jesus died?
It was torn in two from top to bottom
What year did the "Become Jehovah's Friend" videos come out?
In our hall, which Brother in our hall attended the international convention July 27 to August 3, 1958 at Yankee Stadium?
Brother Pearson
*Double Points*
How many plagues did Jehovah bring upon Egypt before Pharaoh released the Israelites? What were each of them? and in what order did they occur?
10 Plagues
1. The river turned to blood.
2. Frogs came up out of the Nile River and were everywhere.
3. The dust turned into gnats.
4. Big flies swarmed into the houses of all the Egyptians.
5. Many of the cattle and sheep and goats of the Egyptians died.
6. Moses and Aaron took some ashes and threw them into the air. They caused bad sores on the people and the animals.
7. The worst hailstorm that Egypt ever had
8. The eighth plague was a large swarm of locusts that ate everything.
9. For three days thick darkness covered the land.
10. God’s angel killed the firstborn ones of both man and animals.
What was the name of the angel who appeared to Mary to announce Jesus’ birth?
*Double Points*
Who were the 12 apostles? And the one who replaced Judas?
Peter, Andrew, James, John, Phillip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, Thaddaeus, Simon, Judas, and James, Matthias
What project was Charles T. Russell often known leading?
The Photo-Drama of Creation
What's the oldest publication on JW Library?
The Watchtower, January 1,1950
What kind of wood was Noah’s ark made of?
Gopher Wood
Which prophet was mocked by a group of kids for being bald, resulting in bears being sent to tear them apart?
The Prophet Elisha
How old was Jesus when he got baptized?
How many congregations are there worldwide?
What version of The Bible ranges from 18 to 28 volumes and requires a minimum of two meters (6 ft 5 in) of shelf space?
The Braille Bible