YMCA: What's your response
Answering a group question:
Choosing Friday Lunch in the Community
Responding back with a question about: The Weekend

Ethan said "I walked a long trail with mountains on the treadmill today"

A. That's great Ethan!

B. Did you see anything cool on the trail?

C. I would love to try that Ethan

D. That's not very good!


Aleysha said " Guys where should we go to lunch on Friday?"

A. Comellas

B. Bills

C. I hate everywhere we go and just want school lunch

D. The Mall


Mia asked: What's everyone doing this weekend?"

A. Nothing!! Are you doing nothing also Mia?

B. I hope something fun! Are you doing anything fun Mia?

C. I'm not sure, do you have any ideas for something?

D. Going out to dinner, what about you Mia?


What does LOL stand for?

A. Look out Larry

B. Lack of Lollipops

C. Laugh out Loud

D. Love or Like


Mia said "I wish we could swim every week at the YMCA instead of just every other week"

A. Yeah Steve should do a better job getting us to swim weekly

B. We should be lucky we get to swim 

C. I do too but I love when we get to go

D. Yay Swim!


Stuart said: I love Comellas, can we go there every Friday please?

A. I agree Stuart

B. I think it could be a choice but not everyone likes it

C. Boo!!!!

D. Since it's close maybe they will let you go there even if it isn't an option


Jake said: I hate the weekends cause I never do anything

A. I have some ideas for you, wanna hear some?

B. I'm sorry Jake, wanna do something with me?

C. Hahahahahaha

D. Maybe if you have an idea, could you ask your parents to do it?



A. Tim took your ladder

B. Talk to you later

C. Time to yawn longer

D. take the yellow lollipop


Faisal said "I want to lift more weights but don't know how to do it"

A. You could ask Erin, Erin, Dom, Ricky or Steve

B. Just pick a weight and who cares if it's too much 

C. I think Ali could help you change the weight

D. What weight are you on right now?


Abi said "I really hope we go to the mall for lunch Friday!"

A. Me too Abi!

B. I love the Mall Food Court!

C. I hate the mall and I won't go if we have to

D. I like the mall but also like other places


Faisal said: This weekend I am going away to a hotel that has a pool!

A. Oh that sounds so fun, can I come?

B. Oh that sounds so fun, can I come LOL!

C. I hope the pool is closed!

D. Have Fun!



A. Brian rocks Blue

B. Bill's really bald

C. Be right back

D. Back right box


Brian said "I only like using the bike at the YMCA, but I also have to lift and workout on the turf"

A. Yeah the bike is awesome

B. You do a great job on it Brian

C. Go Brian

D. Just pretend you are tired on the turf so you won't have to do it


If we have a choice this week, I am choosing lunch at Panera

A. Anywhere is good for me

B. Oh that sounds good, I love the mac and cheese

C. Panera is gross!

D. I would go there or 5 guys in the same plaza


Ricky said: This weekend is gonna be so long!"

A. How come Ricky?

B. Oh well!

C. Oh I'm sorry, you sound sad

D. Is that good or bad?



A. Oh My God

B. Order me grapes

C. Over my giraffe

D. On my glass


Milton said "I love tracking my steps every day"

A. That's not really important at all

B. How many are you doing every day?

C. It's so cool that our phones can do this for us

D. Walking is overrated!


Jordan said "Guys the pizza is the best at Comellas"

A. I agree Jordan

B. I like Bills, comellas stinks

C. I love pizza from anywhere

D. You're crazy Jordan! Theos rocks


Weekends are not long enough!

A. I hate the weekends cause I miss Achieve

B. I agree!

C. Do you wish we had a 3 day weekend every week?

D. Why not?



A. As some already provided

B. Another Steve and Pet

C. As soon as possible

D. Angry shoe and problems
