Policy Advocacy/ Activism
Health Inequities
Social Justice
What is the definition of Advocacy?
Acting in behalf of another person, speaking for persons who cannot speak for themselves or intervening to ensure that views are heard.
Why did the WHO develop the determinants of health?
To reduce health inequities
What does social justice mean?
Related to a concern for the equitable distribution of benefits and burdens in society
What are one of the roles of the CNA to advance nursing, health and health system policy?
Strategically work with different levels of government in Canada and on the international level
What contribute to health inequities?
differences in health status and distribution of health resources
To strive for social justice means...
attempting to reduce system-wide differences that disadvantage certain groups and prevent equal access to determinants of health and to health care services
How can nurses protect the clients right to dignity?
-interventions to minimuze suffering -intervening when other people fail to respect the client -Promote social conditions that encourage clients to live and die with dignity
What influences health inequalities?
-difference in health status experienced by various individuals -genetic and biological factors -access to key factors that influence health ex. income, education, employment, social support
How does social justice affect health care?
Social justice in health care also includes taking action against practices such as “discrimination against individuals on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, age, or other social factors that can affect health and well-being
Scenario: As a student nurse you walk into your patients room to administer medication, she is a 78 year-old dementia patient, and has just completed her physiotherapy for the day. She brings up the concern that the physiotherapist is "too rough" how would you handle the situation? how would you advocate for your patient?
Class discussion
There is a young mother who has a eighteen month old daughter. due to the mothers addiction the child does not have access to an environment that promotes healthy development. What determinant of health does this scenario relate to, and how can you as the nurse minimize the inequality?
Healthy childhood development Class discussion
What is the aim of social justice?
To change social relationships and institutions to promote equitable relationships
What are the three key points from our handout...no using electronic devices
1. Nurses play an important role in advocating for patient care and policy 2. Nurses need to be aware of social inequalities and why they occur; staying informed of past and current trends in healthcare so that best practice patient care is consistent 3. Nurses can be politically motivated and active in lobbying for change, benefitting both the profession and the patient(s).
What are some measures that nursing students can take in their clinical setting to help create policy changes fro more equitable resource allocation?
Class discussion
The WHO believes that access to health is a Human Right and falls under the responsibility of our Government, do you agree that it is their responsibility? Whose responsibility is it? And how would you advocate for a patient if the didn’t have equal access to health?
Class discussion