During the election, you saw a lot of this, misleading or biased information trying to sway your vote, or point of view.
When you dunk something under water, you do this.
Before you judge someone, maybe you should put yourself in their shoes. You might learn more from seeing things from their "point of view." This is also an artistic term.
This is the first word Mr. Hahn said you guys will know inside and out, because he always goes on these long, angry outbursts!
The extremely nervous person had to take this kind of medicine to calm her nerves before boarding the plane because of her fear of flying.
The workers had to approve, or confirm, their new contract with a vote.
Pirates do this. Steal using force and violence.
Sometimes you might feel that some of the tasks Mr. Hahn has you do are boring and tiresome.
When I got home from school, the house smelled this way because of the disgusting food my mom was cooking that day.
Taxes on goods and products that come in from other countries (imported goods).
This word literally means fake + name.
At Maple Crest, we are trying to make you highly skilled and an expert in certain areas of education. If you can score in green on standardized tests, then you are ________________.
For an old guy, Mr. Hahn sometimes must have good endurance or ability to not get tired, because he is always going 100 mph.
We decided on a quick, unplanned getaway to the Cincinnati Zoo last Saturday. It was this type of trip.
Everyone in the US must make certain payments or pay a fee that the government uses for the benefits of its citizens.
This is an instrument used to measure heat.
I saw a 5-year-old on America's Got Talent playing the piano amazingly. She is definitely gifted and talented.
Mr. Hahn tries to teach you guys to stay sensible and use logic, especially when debating with someone. People that are this way usually win the argument.
This is the property, investments, and income of a government from taxation and other sources.
Often times, in court cases, there is an earlier event that is used as an example or guide when making decisions to a similar event. This is called a ________.
This is a device that controls the setting of your heat or air.
Something or someone that is amazing or remarkable is this.
Compared to some of the other rooms I've seen, Mr. Hahn's room is calm and peaceful. This word.
The rain was this word throughout the day, coming and going in short bursts instead of falling steadily.