Active Listening
Time Management
Organization and Planning
Conflict Management
Written and Verbal Communication

What is the definition of Active Listening?

What is the practice of preparing to listen, observing what verbal and non-verbal messages are being sent while providing appropriate feedback.


What is the definition for Time Management? 

What is the ability to use one's time effectively or productively, especially at work.


what is the basic organizational planning?

what is: workforce development, financial planning, planning regarding products and services and goals for expansion.


What is one of the most extremely important skills in resolving a conflict?

what is Actively listening


How can we ensure effective verbal communication?

what is: For verbal communication to be effective, it should be clear, relevant, tactful in forming phrases and tone, concise, and informative. Presentations or conversations that have these factors included usually bear good fruits.


According to research, what is the percentage most humans remember?

What is: we remember 25-50% of what we hear


What are the 3 key concepts of time management?

what is: Planning, Prioritizing and Performing.


How can you improve my time management and organizational skills?

what is: Make a Plan, Create a Priority List Rather Than a To-Do List, Start Early, Breakdown Every Task Into Small Chunks, Practice Decision Making, Delegate tasks, Set SMART Goals, Set up Deadlines.


What are the 4 ways to manage conflict?

what is: Listen, Empathize, Acknowledge & Apologize and Do something


What are 5 examples of effective communication?

what is:

  • Active listening.
  • Giving and taking feedback.
  • Empathy.
  • Respectfulness.
  • Responding to messages.
  • Having volume and clarity in messages.
  • Understanding non-verbal data.
  • Building friendliness and confidence.



What are the 3 R's of Active Listening?

What is: Repeat, Reflect, Respond


What is the 3-3-3 method of time management?

what is: spending 3 hours on the most important current project, 3 hours on smaller tasks, and 3 hours on maintenance activities every normal working day 


How do you stay organize and manage your time effectively?

what is: Figure out how you're currently spending your time, Create a daily schedule—and stick with it, Prioritize wisely, Group similar tasks together, Avoid the urge to multitask, Assign time limits to tasks, Build in buffers, Learn to say no.


what are the 3 main types of conflict?

What is Task conlict, Relationship conflict and Value conflict


What are the 3 basic types of communication?

what is verbal, written and non verbal.


What techniques do you use to show you are actively listening to your speaker?

what is: Focus, show your listening, provide feedback, don't interrupt, respond appropriately  


What are some tips in time management?

what is: Stay Organized, Understand Priorities, Create an Effective Daily Plan, Set Clear Goals, Delegate Tasks, Eliminate Distractions, Utilize Technology and Tools.


What are the 4 phases of a proper organizational plan?

what is strategic, tactical, operational and contingency.


What is the ABC of conflict resolution?

what is helps you identify the three main elements of any conflict: A for antecedents, B for behaviors, and C for consequences.


How do you describe written and verbal communication skills?

what is the ability to articulate thoughts and express ideas effectively using oral, written and non-verbal communication skills (to inform, instruct, and persuade), to multiple audiences, as well as to listen for meaning and understanding.


What are the 5 habits of an active listener?

what is: creating safety, validating concisely, deploying curiosity, whole body listening, and noticing subtext. 


what are 5 examples of good Time Management?

What is: Eliminate distractions, Learn to say no, Avoid multitasking, Delegate tasks, Set reasonable time limits, Set goals, Group like tasks, Prioritize, Prioritize wisely


How do you organize and plan?

what is: Get the Right Planner for You. Add Events, Deadlines, and Appointments. Establish Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Goals. Create Daily and Weekly Tasks Lists. Break Down Bigger Goals and Tasks Into Actionable Steps.


What are the 5 conflict management styles?

what is: accommodating, avoiding, compromising, collaborating, and competing.


How to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills?

what is: Know your audience. Listen. Write well and proofread. Talk the talk. Present with confidence. Get to the point. Step away from the keyboard.
