Hydroponic Farm Locations
Urban Farming
Hydroponics systems
Produce Safety
History of Hydroponics

True or False: Hydroponic farms cannot be outdoors. 

False: Outdoor hydroponic farms have the benefit of natural sunlight instead of grow lights.


True or False: Growing hydroponically, is considered a type of urban farming.

True: You growing produce in your classroom makes you an urban farmer!


What does the word "hydro" mean?

The word "hydro" comes from the Greek name meaning water.


Should you wash your hands before harvesting produce?

Yes! It is always best to harvest with clean hands!


True or False: Growing hydroponically can be traced to ancient civilizations all the way back to 600 BC.

True: The earliest example of hydroponic systems can be traced back to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the seven wonders of the world. 


True or False: New York has hydroponic farms. 

True: New York has several hydroponic farms that specialize in growing produce.


Can an urban farm help combat pollution?

Yes! Urban farming has been shown to help cities reduce problems related to pollution. 


Can plants grow without soil?

Yes! Hydroponics allows some plants to grow without the use of soil.


If you harvest produce with unsanitized tools, can that cause contamination? 

Yes! Tools that have been not properly cleaned and sanitized can transfer bacteria to produce when harvested.


Did ancient Egyptian civilizations utilize hydroponics?

Yes, it has been discovered Ancient Egypt used hydroponics, plants floated on rafts on the flooded Nile River. 


True or False: A desert climate is not an adequate place for hydroponics farms.

False: The desert is a great place for hydroponics as there is no fertile soil in these climates and temperatures can be controlled. 


True or False: A skyscraper isn't a great place for a hydroponic farm.

False: Many urban areas rely on small spaces for urban farming, vertically growing produce.


What are the best varieties of produce to grow hydroponically?

Tomatoes, Peppers and many varieties of leafy greens do very well grown hydroponically.


How many seconds should you wash your hands before harvesting produce?

Hands should be washed with warm water and soap for at least 30 seconds.


Did Leonardo Da Vinci help develop the basic principles of hydroponics? 

Yes! In his studies, he determined plants need minerals to grow which can only happen with the aid of water.


Can astronauts use the hydroponic growing technique in space? 

Yes! NASA commonly uses hydroponics in space to grow food as you don't need soil.


True or False: Hydroponic farming has helped solved food insecurity. 

True: This farming method has made food more accessible in larger urban areas, helping to eliminate food insecurity.


What vegetable cannot be grown hydroponically?

Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes need soil to grow and cannot be grown hydroponically. Other vegetables that don't fare well are corn, melons, large root vegetables, vine crops. 


Can you sanitize before cleaning a surface?

No, you must always clean before sanitizing.


For hundreds of years, what crop has relied on hydroponics in Asia?

Rice, is a common crop in Asia that relies on hydroponics and thrives in flooded fields. 


Can a shipping container be used as a hydroponic farm? 

Yes! A shipping container is a unique way of starting a hydroponic farm.  ND farms in Williston and Fargo both use shipping containers for their hydroponic lettuce farms.


What is aquaponics? 

Aquaponics is a type of urban farming that utilizes fish to supply nutrients to plants.  This is a type of hydroponic farming.


True or False: Growing hydroponically uses 90% less water than growing produce using traditional methods. 

True: A large proportion of water is lost into the ground and not absorbed by plants. 


What type of bacteria commonly cause produce outbreaks?

E.coli and Listeria are common types of bacteria that can contaminate our produce and make us sick.


In the 1920's hydroponics was given its name by a professor named William Gericke, what state did he live in?

California. He worked at the University of California where he studied hydroponics.
