do kids get scared when they are bullied?
yes, some kids will not even play outside
how can you tell someone likes you?
they get shy and embarressed around you
what percent of kids drink alcohol?
3 percent
how many teens/preteens have acne out of 10?
8 out of 10 teens/preteens have acne
where can abuse happen?
at home, school, childcare, or even church
why are bullies mean?
they are insecure and want to feel important
what is a crush?
someone you have special feelings for
what are 5 things alcohol could do to you?
make you sick, bad decisions, do embarrassing things, get into trouble, get addicted to it
about how many people have acne in the word?
about 17 million people have acne
who are people you can tell if you know somebody who is being abused?
tell a parent or an adult
what happens to bullies?
they usually wind up in trouble
what if someone breaks your heart?
take i slowly, it will fade
what percent of kids smoke/chew tabacco?
5 percent do it once in a while or every week, 10 percent have only tried it once
what is acne?
acne is a skin condition that shows up on peoples skin, your pores contain sebaceous glands that makes an oil that contains moistens in your hair and skin called sebum
what are types of abuses?
physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional and neglect
what should you do if you are being bullied?
tell an adult
what do you do if you get asked out?
express your feelings
why do kids want to smoke?
they think i will make them popular
when will acne go away?
mostly in your twenties but you will still have acne scars
what is physical abuse?
hitting someone, slapping someone with a belt, pushing
what do you do if a bully says something to you?
ignore them
how do you tell your crush you like them?
simply let it out
what are 3 illegal drugs?
marijuana, cocaine, and ecstasy
what are 3 things to help acne?
don't pop pimples, try not to touch your face, don't scrub face
is there an abuse hotline?
yes, 1-800-4-A-CHILD