True/False. Everyone knows when a girl has her period.
What is false. Unless you share this with others, others do not know that you have your period.
True/False. Brushing your once per day and flossing once per week will keep your teeth and gums healthy enough.
What is false. You should be brushing twice per day, flossing once per day to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Your food choices matter, too!
Name a positive quality about you and someone in your group.
What is ____. Self-image, self-worth, and self-esteem are important! Practice positive self talk with yourself and others!
When bathing, ____ and ____ will help keep your hair clean and healthy.
What is shampoo and conditioner.
True/False. Puberty involves physical and emotional changes.
True/False. You can't participate in any activities when you have your period.
Name some ways to keep your skin healthy.
What is wash your face daily, wear sunscreen, drink plenty of water.
True/False. The friendship group you came to middle school with will never change.
What is false. Friendships change and that is ok. You may choose to let a friendship go while also choosing to make new friends. You have to decide what is best for you. Are your friendships fulfilling and making you a better person?
True/False. Eating a well-balanced diet includes fruits, vegetables, salty foods, and candy.
During puberty, girls:
a. Develop breasts
b. Have their periods
c. Grow hair under their arms and in their pubic area
d. All of the above
What is "D - All of the above."
The two types of protection products you can use during your period are ____ and ____.
What are pads and tampons.
During puberty, you may find hair growth in new places. Name two.
What are armpits and pubic areas.
True/False. Conflicts always lead to fighting between friends.
What is false. Conflict is a normal part of friendships and relationships. It is how you choose to deal with these conflicts is what determines where it goes from there.
How often should you change a pad or tampon?
What is every 3-4 hours. You may need to change it more often depending on your flow. Remember, wear pads overnight.
Chemicals that are responsible for growth, development, and mood during puberty.
What are hormones.
Menstruation occurs when the lining of the _____ is shed.
What is uterus.
This may form when oil gets trapped under the skin.
What is a pimple/zit.
Comparing yourself to other peers can often negatively impact how you feel about yourself. Another word for this is...
What is self-esteem.
How many hours of sleep per night should you be getting?
What is 8-10 hours.
Name one of the hormones responsible for starting puberty in girls.
What is estrogen and/or progesterone.
An average menstrual cycle is __ days.
What is 28 days. Remember, you might have a different cycle length. It may also take your body some time to get on a "regular" schedule with your period.
What would you do if you were at school and you got your period for the first time?
What is talk to a trusted adult, get cleaned up, get the supplies you need, talk to mom or trusted adult at home so you can be prepared at home and returning to school.
Reaching out to others when you are feelings upset or angry is a sign of strength. Name one staff member or peer who you reach out to in a time of need.
What is ____________.
To help fight body odor, these are a few things you can do to help.
What is shower daily, wear deodorant, change your clothes (underwear, socks) daily, wear breathable fabrics.
For most girls, puberty begins between the ages of __ and __.
What is 8 and 13 years old. Remember, this will happen when your body is ready.