What is "ungdomsfængsel"?
The main character of this story
Who is Magda?
The name of the old couple on the farm
Who is mr. and mrs. Smith
Name of the detective who visits the farm
Who is detective Brewer?
Place that Magda and the boys go to later that afternoon to buy snacks
What is a convenience store?
What is "fristelse"?
Name of the new youth program
What is "GROWTH"?
The place where Magda and the boys sleep
What is the attic?
What is a break-in at the Schuster farm
When walking back outside the farm, the kids see this creeping by
What is a police car?
Up to no good
What is "ude på ballade"?
A jail for young people
What is juvie/juvenile detention centre?
The name of the tall boy
Who is Peter?
Word describing someone who is under investigation
What is a suspect?
The reason the detective called the farm again
What is to report another break-in (and make sure the children hadn't left their room)?
Back on track
What is "tilbage på sporet"?
The place Magda is going to in order to get her life straightened out
The boy whose snoring is deafening
Who is Josh?
Another word for "look" from the text
What is "gaze"?
The store manager keeps this under his counter
What is a shotgun?
To take a turn for the worse
What is "At udvikle sig i en uheldig retning"?
The crime Magda had been caught doing on camera
What is stealing a t-shirt?
The smell from the kitchen when Magda comes down
What are freshly baked buns?
Magda says this to Josh before going to bed
What is "goodnight Jackass"?
Magda feels this way about being suspected and blamed for things you didn't do
What is frustrated?