What is the age range for infants?
From birth to 1 year old
What is the age range for late childhood?
What is the age range for adolescence?
from 13 to 20 years
What is the age range for young adulthood and middle adulthood?
young adult- from 20 to 40 years
middle adult- from 40 to 65 years
from 65 and older
What is a physical milestone for infants?
growing in size, developing abilities, using hands, doing actions like shaking toys, and walking.
What is an emotional milestone for late childhood?
change emotions, affectionate, and begin to understand complex concepts such as death.
What is a cognitive milestone for Adolescence?
development of organization, improvement of memory, and start making plans about the future.
What is the physical development for Middle adulthood?
hair starts turning grey, reflexes are slower, and vision becomes worse
What is the emotional milestone for late adulthood?
emotionally more stable than younger people, sometimes may struggle with guilt or depression.
What are some conflicts that an infant may face?
trust and mistrust
sleeping problems
what are some conflicts late childhood may face?
taking the initiative
mood swings
emotional breakdowns
What are some conflicts young adults may face?
intimacy vs isolation
What are some conflicts late adults may face?
integrity vs despair
Name two cognitive processes that infants go through.
1) Memory Development
2) Detection/ learning of language
3) Basic reasoning and thinking
Name two cognitive skills for late childhood.
1) memory improvement
2) ability to plan
3) Frontal lobes develop more and logical thinking ensures
Name two cognitive skills that are developed during adolescence.
1)abstract thinking
2) logically think about relationships
3) begin to think long term
What are two cognitive skills that are developed in the middle stages of life?
1) verbal abilities improve
2) spatial reasoning improves
3) simple math abilities improve
Name two cognitive skills that improve/decline in late adulthood.
1) Semantic memory improves
2) Memory and attention decline
3) Common sense and good judgment improve
What are some examples of the physiological needs of Maslow's Hierarchy of human needs?
What does the theory of Abraham Maslow suggest?
each person must meet the basic needs before any following social or emotional needs
What is the order of the Maslow pyramid from BOTTOM TO TOP?
physiological needs
safety needs
love and belongings
Who is Abraham Maslow?
he is an American psychologist that invented the hierarchy of needs
What is an example of esteem in the Maslow Hierarchy?
self esteem and respect