10-12 hours.
How many hours of sleep does a toddler require each night?
Two to three years old.
How old is a toddler?
How do you reduce the risk of young children from getting hurt?
What is color in a diet?
Eats a variety of finger-food, and uses a sippy cup, but still should avoid hard foods.
What is the self-feeding ability of a one year old?
Reassure them, offer comfort, and be a good listener.
How do you comfort a child after they have a nightmare?
They gain more weight and growing taller.
How does height and weight change from age one to three?
Seated with a seatbelt.
Encourage the child to take small bites and to eat slowly.
How do you prevent a child from choking?
Skillful with utensils, meat and tougher foods but still should eat small.
What is the self-feeding ability of a three year old?
Keep note of your child's daily nutrition value, and check up with doctors.
How should a parent keep track of their child's eating habits and daily value?
Nutrition, health, and life experiences.
What factors influence a child's development?
Avoid using strong cleaning products, keep medicines, and supplies locked away.
How do you keep a child from being poisoned?
No, they need smaller serving sizes and portions.
Should a growing child drink a full cup of milk, or eat an entire apple or banana at one time?
Gross motor skills.
What skill require greater dexterity?
Using a tissue for a runny nose, bathing, and handwashing.
What are three basic hygiene skills that children can learn between ages of one and three?
8 teeth
On average, about how many primary teeth emerge during a child's first year?
The child may try to consume it.
Why should you not leave small objects laying around?
Foods that are easier to eat.
What is the ease of eating?
Gross motor skills.
A small amount of a disease-carrying germ is introduced to the body so that the body can build up resistance.
How does vaccines work to protect children from disease?
18 months.
At what age are children physically able to control their sphincter muscles?
Describes a fabric that can still catch on fire, but will not burn as quickly.
What does the term flame-resistant mean?
Because of less physical activity and changes in metabolism.
Why does nutrition value change with age?
Requires less complex movements and smaller muscles.
Fine motor skills.