Development & Play
Nursing Care

_______ play is common in the infant age group. 

What is solitary? 


Most babies will double their birth weight by _______ and triple their birth weight by _______. 

What are 6 months old and 1 year old? 


A child comes to the PCP for a routine appointment. The child is due for a vaccination, but has a cold on the day of the appointment. Should the nurse administer the vaccination? 

What is yes?

A mild cold is not a contraindication to vaccine administration. 


A child is ordered 8mg/kg of ibuprofen per dose. If the child weighs 48 kg, how many mg of ibuprofen will the child receive?

(8mg)/(kg) xx (48kg)/1 = 384 mg


Team sports, video/computer games, card or board games, art, concerts, “hanging out”, and social events with friends are all considered _______ play and are typically associated with the _________ age group.

What are cooperative and adolescent?


At this age, babies typically develop object permanence. 

What is 10 months old?


A daily routine would be helpful for this age patient when hospitalized because hospitalization disrupts autonomy and may cause regression. 

What are toddlers?


A normal infant respiratory rate is...

What is 30-53 bpm?

(per Galen's Standardized Values)


Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt is the Erikson Developmental Stage associated with which age group?

What are toddlers (1-3 years old)?

The nurse in the clinic is evaluating a 24-month-old's developmental level. Which observation does the nurse expect? 

A. Copies a circle
B. Uses a cup when drinking
C. Skips and hops on one foot
D. Walks alone, throws objects, has a 10-word vocabulary

What is B. Uses a cup when drinking? 

Rationale: By the age of 24 months, a child should be able to use a spoon and drink from a cut, although spilling may occur. Other milestones in this age group are parallel play and a 300 word vocabulary.
A. is incorrect because the ability to copy a circle occurs at age 3.
C. is incorrect because a child is not expected to skip and hop on one foot until age 4.
D. is incorrect because these actions are expected for a child between 15 and 18 months. 


________ is the appropriate pain scale for nonverbal children and children aged > 2 months to 3 years. 

(if you are able to state what each letter in the scale stands for) 

What is FLACC? 

Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolibility


Order:  Amoxicillin 100 mg po q6 hr.

     Child weighs 15 lbs.

     Safe range is 25 – 30 mg/kg/24 hr.

What is the safe dose range? Is the ordered dose safe for a 24-hr period? 

What are 170 – 204 mg and no?


According to Piaget, a child in the _______ stage and _______ age range might hear a dog bark and then see a train arrive and conclude that the train comes because the dog barks. This is referred to as ________ reasoning. 

What are the preoperational stage, 2-7 years of age, and transductive reasoning?

Transductive reasoning is a form of reasoning that involves making predictions or drawing conclusions about specific instances or cases based on the information available for those instances or cases alone, without generalizing to broader principles or categories. This refers to when a child reasons from specific to specific, drawing a relationship between two separate events that are otherwise unrelated. 


The following motor developmental skills are typical of this age group...

Almost no head lag
Able to sit propped
Rolls from back to side
Puts objects in mouth
Plays with hands

What is a 4 month old? 


A 15-month-old toddler is brought to the clinic for a routine check-up. Which of the following findings would the nurse identify as a developmental red flag for this age group?

A. The child can walk without support
B. The child has a vocabulary of five words and does not use gestures to communicate
C. The child does not engage in parallel play with other children
D. The child has started throwing temper tantrums 

What is B. The child has a vocabulary of five words and does not use gestures to communicate?

Rationale: By 15 months of age, children typically have a vocabulary of 10 or more words and begin to use gestures, such as pointing or waving, to communicate. A limited vocabulary and lack of gesturing at this age may indicate a developmental delay or language disorder and warrant further evaluation.


The nurse is providing medication instructions to a parent. Which statement by the parent indicates a need for further instruction?

1. “I should cuddle my child after giving the medication.”
2. “I can give my child a frozen juice bar after he swallows the medication.”
3. “I should mix the medication in the baby food and give it when I feed my child.”
4. “If my child does not like the taste of the medicine, I should encourage him to pinch his nose and drink the medication through a straw.”

What is Answer: 3?

Rationale: The nurse would teach the parent to avoid putting medications in foods because it may give an unpleasant taste to the food, and the child may refuse to accept the same food in the future. In addition, the child may not consume the entire serving and would not receive the required medication dosage. The mother should provide comfort measures immediately after medication administration, such as touching, holding, cuddling, and providing a favorite toy. The mother should offer juice, a soft drink, or a frozen juice bar to the child after the child swallows the medication. If the taste of the medication is unpleasant, the child should pinch the nose and drink the medication through a straw.

Test-Taking Strategy: Note the strategic words, need for further instruction. These words indicate a negative event query and the need to select the incorrect statement made by the mother. Read each statement carefully and think about the statement that may be unsafe and may not provide an accurate dose to the child. This will direct you to the correct option.


Name and describe each of the five stages of Erikson's Stages of Development through age 18.


Name 3 developmental milestones of an 18 month old.

What are:
• Anterior fontanel
• Physiologically able to
control sphincters
• Runs clumsily
• Throws ball overhand
without falling
• Manages spoon
• Says 10 or more words
• Awareness of ownership?


An order for lasix 2.5mg/kg is written for a 10-month-old patient. The patient weighs 10 kg. Pharmacy sends down 10 mg tablets. You will administer _____ tablets to your patient. 

What is 0 tablets? A 10-month-old infant should not be given a tablet form of medication. This order should be questioned and a liquid medication should be requested from pharmacy. 


Name one organic and one nonorganic cause/risk factor of failure to thrive.

What are:
Organic: Preemie, IUGR, CHD
Nonorganic: Poverty, neglect, knowledge deficit?
