This period of childhood spans from ages 6 to 12 and is marked by slow, steady physical growth.
What is school-age period
According to Erik Erikson, the primary psychosocial conflict of the school-age years.
What is industry vs inferiority.
The brain and skull grow how during the school years?
Brain growth is complete by what age?
What is slowly.
What is 10 years of age.
The child's view of his or her individual worth.
What is self-esteem.
By 2030 the goal of tv watching for school age children screen time is?
What is no more than 2 hours a day?
On average, school-aged children grow this many inches per year.
What is 6 to 7 cm (2.5 in)per year, increasing their height by at least 1 foot.
A sense of this develops when children feel competent in school, sports, and friendships.
What is industry.
The frontal sinuses are developed by what age?
What is age 7 years.
The way individuals behave.
What is temperament?
This is also called school phobia or school avoidance?
What is school refusal.
During the school-age years, children gain approximately this many pounds per year.
What is an increase of 3 to 3.5 kg (7lb) per year in weight is expected.
Interested in how things are made and run is what developmental theory?
What is Erikson.
The blood pressure and heart rate does what in this age group?
Blood pressure increases. Heart rate decreases.
This age group may model themselves after parents, peers, and persons in movies or on television.
What is school age.
A child who returns home after school to an empty house because their parents or guardians are at work or otherwise absent.
What is latchkey?
The school age child tends to value
An act is wrong because it brings punishment is with what theorist?
What is Kohlberg?
How many teeth does this age group lose?
What is 20.
What is a positive statement to teach a child that is fearful?
What is "I can do this"
Inflicting unwanted, repeated verbal, emotional, or physical aggression upon others and involves a power imbalance, is widespread and negatively impacts all involed.
What is bullying?
This occurs in the 2 years before the beginning of puberty and is characterized by the development of secondary sexual characteristics, a period of rapid growth for girls, and a period of continued growth for boys.
What is prepubescence.
Classifies or groupls objects by their common elements is what theorist?
What is Piaget.
What is the bladder capacity of a 7 year old?
What is 9 ounces.
What influences school-age children's perceptions of themselves.
What is peer?
What gender is bullied more?
What is boys?